I appreciate your efforts in responding quickly.
The thread was created because there was an issue with one of the plugins , in order to get support I had to upload the website in which the problem was occurring. The organization I created the site asked me to delete it since it is showing up every time their website was entered into Google. I was not able to delete it since you do not allow people to so I asked if you could. I am not asking to delete the the thread just the web address inside the threads. People would still get solutions without having the organization website in there as the help is general and not specific to the website. I understand that it is a community and threads like this help but all I am asking is if you could remove the website in the threads, nothing else .
If it was my website I wouldn’t bother but it is showing up every time their web address is typed into a search engines. As my client approached me, I do feel it is sensitive information if they requested it to be removed.
I hope you can help
Next time I will make sure I do not type sensitive information into support forums.