• I successfully removed the Search box from my Esplanade header by deleting (I know I should have ‘commented out’) <?php get_search_form(); ?> in header.php but my menu links are still wrapping around to a second line as though the search box were still there. I would very much appreciate it if someone would summarize for a ‘casual’ user what I need to do to get the menu to use the whole header width. Thanks in advance.

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  • Kurt


    How about a link to your site?

    Thread Starter chris101t


    Thanks for the quick response, Kurt! The website in this case is one I’m setting up for a friend – https://www.migueldearmas.com. You can see that the search box in the header is gone, but the menu links have wrapped around to a second line as though the search box were still there.




    Add this to the bottom of you style.css file:

    #access ul {
        max-width: 100%;

    Or you could go to line 623 of your CSS file and change max-width: 75%; to max-width: 100%;.

    Thread Starter chris101t


    I edited public_html/wp-content/themes/esplanade/style.css and changed line 623 (under #access ul {) from max-width:75%; to max-width:100%;. It WORKED! The menu links are no longer wrapping around to a second line as though the search box were still there.

    Thanks, Kurt … Chris ??



    I’m glad I could help!

    I’m trying to remove the search box from the header in the Esplanande theme as well, but so far I’m not succesful.
    Can you help me out?
    I tried commenting out the entire get_search_form bit from the header.php (which is in the Twenty Eleven Theme folder):

    				// Has the text been hidden?
    								if ( 'blank' == get_header_textcolor() ) :
    				<div class="only-search<?php if ( $header_image ) : ?> with-image<?php endif; ?>">
    				<?php get_search_form(); ?>
    				else :
    				<?php get_search_form(); ?>
    			<?php endif; ?>

    I also tried commenting out just the line:
    <?php get_search_form(); ?>
    But that didn’t work either.

    What I’m doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance!

    You’re doing wrong that you’re editing the Twenty Eleven theme when you want to modify the Esplanade theme. Try doing the same modification in Esplanade and it should work.

    Hi Daniel,
    thanks for your quick respons!
    I didn’t see my Esplanade theme folder on my site yet. How silly…
    But I found it now, backed it up locally, changed the header.php and reloaded it.
    It worked!
    Thank you very much!!!

    I had a website set up perfectly with the Esplanade theme, but had some technical problems with GoDaddy hosting so I reinstalled and I’ve been pasting the pages back into the new installation (there were only 5, so I don’t mind re-doing them manually and I’m a bit shell-shocked from the previous headaches).

    For some reason, this new installation creates an added search box, so there are two on the main page. There is also a weird thing that says “Recent Comments” in the header text. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling Esplanade. I’ve toggled to other themes with no glitches. What do I do to fix this? I’d like to remove the extraneous search box and the Recent Comments remarks.

    The site is danberstein.com and the password to view the protected page is 12345

    I fixed it – I just had to remove all the widgets.

    Hi all,

    I have a similar problem to the above, but I want to get rid of the recent posts section and search box appearing above the header image.

    I can’t see anything in the Header.php code to suggest what to comment out, does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks in advance for your help!


    Never mind.

    Didn’t realise that it was a widget!

    Thanks anyway if you were looking!

    the previous suggestion wasnt working for me. I found the #searchform in the stylesheet and added DISPLAY:NONE; I found #searchform twice, so i added this to both instances. no more search form ??

    I just want to thank you, Kurt! I was dealing with the menu bar wrapping to a second line for no reason- your simple instruction worked perfectly for me- thank you!

    I have an esplanade theme as well and would like to have one line of Menu items but the search pushing it to two. I’m new at this and don’t want to do something that will mess up my hard work. I don’t really understand some of the discourse so far. Slow and easy please.

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