Hey there kaycee831,
Hope you’re well! ??
Thanks for clarifying things for me,
First about the editor: You can just navigate thru the dashboard to Editor section like on this image: https://prntscr.com/5slaxn . You also got the wrong url, the correct one is : https://www.phlorista.com/wp-admin/theme-editor.php
But like I suggest if you will add custom css code you better use the custom css [tab] to avoid problems like if you insert the custom code in the parent theme. It will be gone if you decide to update the theme.
On the telephone number issue, do you want to make the text bigger on this part: https://prntscr.com/5slakm ? If so, this code will help you achieve that
.contactlink-side .contactlink-side-top {
font-size: 0.9em; /*increase the 0.9em ( this is the value ) and ignore me as I am just a comment */
can i put the tag line (Paper Floral Artistry) on the right (where the search box was) and make the font bigger?
Sure thing, but I want you to know this include a bit of modification ( file modification ) and I suggest you create a child theme for this type of modification. ?? Let me know if you are ready.
Best Regards,