I ve bought your theme TAFRI TRAVEL, and I’ve found so many bugs…I’m about to ask you for a refund !
you can find my website on http:www.senegal-voyage.com
– what about the colour of the header in mobile version (blue ? can i change it ?)
– what about the threebars of menu in mobile version, when there is no menu ? (I would like to make it disapear)
– I would like to translate the “prev” and “next” button, to get a nice colour (not blue !) and to translate it in french
– I need to translate the different buttons in french (search = rechercher,…)
– what about the button “contact us” ? I can’t change the URL, it doesn’t work, and I need to translate it in french
– I would like to delete the date on the photo of the post of the item “latest post”
– On “latest post”, I need to delete the name of the author (babakar), and the number of comments
– What about the blue line in the middle of slider pictures of the first page ??
– “View all tour” button is bugging, impossible to go to the url
– In discount section, I need to change the color of the button, it’s bugging
– in the header, the “contact” (former login) need a blank space below
– the URL of the button “view all offers” is bugging
Please, help me to solve all theses problems