Hello Bojan,
Nice to meet you although I fear the feeling won’t be mutual.
I’m going to need your help. To be honest, I’ve been trying to get this right for 3 weeks…
I’ll try to explain:
– my client has a website with restricted access to certain pages
– these pages are for members that have been added to the “cdmc agency” membership
– when the member registers, I need the following:
— to get a message that a member has registered
— this person needs to receive a mail that he has registered and will receive confirmation of the acceptance
— I will add him to the membership myself would like this to be confirmed automatically by e-mail
when a new user registers he gets the following page after clicking instead of being redireted to the page I want “klantenzone” :
I’ve tried deleting the page,I’ve done everything I could think of, even with the code you gave me, it still appears ??
Another PROBLEM:
My automated mail gets sent when someone registers, but there’s another mail, with almost the same content that gets sent too and I have no idea where it’s coming from.
I evidently made it myself as it’s in Flemish and with password links (that don’t work). So the client receives 2 mails..
Could you please look this through and help me ? I’m getting desperate.
I’ve given you access.
Kind and hopeful regards,