Hi again everyone (for those that missed my previous message, I’m on the digital-telepathy Products team).
Thanks again for continuing to contribute to this thread. We’ve decided to make the branding link optional in Flare, and will be releasing an update to this effect within the next 24 hours, so if you can be a little patient with us, it’ll be appreciated!
Here’s what we are going to do:
1. Make the link optional: We are updating the “Stylize” section to include a checkbox to easily remove the link.
2. Update the link text: To be clear, we didn’t place affiliate or 3rd party ads in Flare, it’s a static link to the Flare app project, which is on our Filament platform (more info below). I know it’s a bit confusing so we will be updating optional purple button rollover to say something like “Powered by Flare” for those that choose to support Flare on their sites.
A surprising number of you have voiced your concerns here! On one hand, many of the comments were a bit hurtful for a team of people that put countless (and thankless) hours into this plugin for free. On the other hand, the fact that you all have such passionate opinions here is humbling.
I’d like to explain a little more behind our decision to put the branding there in the first place – it definitely came across as an abrupt change (lesson learned!) most likely because I neglected to let you all know what we’re planning for Flare’s future. I promise that we will be better at this in the future.
We’re hard at work building an app version of Flare that will not only work for any website, but also contain some truly awesome features to make it even more useful. Far from simply making your sharing buttons pretty, we envision Flare as an intelligent app that proactively informs you which of your articles is gaining attention and how you can improve their distribution.
It’s a large endeavor for a small, bootstrapped team. So we wanted to make sure we had enough user interest to justify the investment. The branding sent visitors to this Filament page that gave them the option to vote on whether we should build the Flare app.
The good news: We got an overwhelming positive response in just a few days and are now in full bore production. We hope to release the first version sometime in August!