You need a file manager for example this one. Then you go to wordpress/wp-content/plugins/kadence-woocommerce-email-desginer/templates/woo/emails. There you download the email-downloads.php. Open the template and
replace line 44
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $download['product_id'] ) ); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post( $download['product_name'] ); ?></a>
to this one
<?php echo wp_kses_post( $download['product_name'] ); ?>
Save the changes and upload the template in wordpress/wp-content/plugins/kadence-woocommerce-email-desginer/templates/woo/emails.
This solution is from here. But it′s important, that you change the e-mai-donwloads.php of the kadence-woocommerce-email-designer-plugin (like above) and not the email-downloads.php of woocommerce/templates/emails.