Hi dr_tracker,
I believe I had the same type of concern as you.
I did not want to provide people with information delivered and selected by Google or any kind of multipurpous web conglomerate.
The way I found is :
(i) to continue using Leaflet Maps Marker which is, as far as I know, the best tool to show maps in WordPress, and
(ii) to feed it with data from a neutral map provider as the French National Institute for Geography. It is a little bit demanding but feasible. I had to go through a very complex documentation (as complex as French people can do !… by the way I am French) but it is worth a trial.
In other words, Google Maps is efficient and very convenient but it is difficult to cherry pick the best of it. In fact, there are alternatives to Google Maps. The first and easy to use is OpenStreetMaps.
I hope this helps
Etienne R