• Hi. I′m having trouble removing a page title in WP 3.0. In the previous WP 2.x all you had to do was to remove a code line in the page.php. But now it′s more complicated. Someone has a solution?

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  • modify 124 line of loop.php file with this

    <?php if(!is_page()) : ?>
    <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentyten' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hm. Thanks. I′ve looked everywhere but can′t seem to find loop.php. It′s not in my themes folder. Any ideas?

    what is your theme?

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    I′ve generated a theme with Artisteer.

    But now it′s more complicated.

    why would that be?

    what theme are you using?

    if your theme has a page.php, you most probably still onle have to delete a (few) line(s) of code.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    My theme has a page.php but I′ve designed a template for my static front page. And since the upgrade to 3.0 the look of the code is different. It uses themefunctions in a way that I don′t grasp.

    Hi guys .. yes please .. I’m having the same problem :-/

    If it is the Artisteer 2.5 Version, then the file is post_title.php

    Here is new code for Artisteer 2.5, it will hide the title on pages but show on the posts, the file is /templates/post_title.php

    A search on the Artisteer WordPress Forum would have given you the answer as well!



    Chinmoys29’s line worked very well on my customized graphene theme, thank you for this. Except the remaining content doesn’t jump up to the page top; titles are gone, but the space they required is still blocked. Any hints for this itch?

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