Remove Meta options on add listing admin
Using EPL for a real estate site that only has the listings of one broker, these are all for sale, no rentals or auctions, and the all are under an exclusive listing agreement with the broker.
The listings are all manually entered, not pulled in from a feed.
I’d like to simplify the add listings pages (only need Land, Residential, Commercial Land) so there aren’t so many choices that aren’t needed.
For instance, under Listing Type in Land, how do I remove the Authority, Unique ID, and XML Importer Mod Date fields?
Similarly, in the Land Details section how to customize the choices in the drop lists for Land Unit (always acres) and Land Category (not sure what this is supposed to be form.
Thanks for making EPL
Thanks, I did find those instructions after I posted, although I did search first. I think I kept running into instructions for older versions of EPL.
Now I’ve got the mini-plugin setup and most of the extra stuff removed, I ran into problems on a couple of things that appear to be required. Like I removed the option to choose whether to show prices because they would always be shown. I figured the default would be to show prices, but then the prices didn’t appear.
Some docs, or better notes or icons on the admin screen, on which fields are not safe to remove without other customization would be a nice time saver.
One more question about customizing the “add listing” admin page. In the “author” drop down the admins name (mine) first on the list, how to remove it? The agent that owns the site will probably be the only author. (which it took me a while to realize is WordPress/Australian for “Listing Agent”)
Evidently Australian and American real estate terms are more different than I realized. ?? The term property evidently is equivalent to residential or home and the term suburb means city?
I found the instructions for changing the slug of property to residential and got that working, but that doesn’t change the admin menu listing of listing types that can be added.
For this kind of thing should I use a .pot file to create an Australian to American translation? Or maybe there is already one available? I see you have French and Russian, why not American English? ??
I’ve tried a lot of different real estate plugins over the last several months and I’m liking EPL and your support and business model so far.
I’m fairly new to WordPress and this the first time I’ve tried using it for a Real Estate site so some of my questions my be naive. Sorry this got so long.
Hi Damon,
Thanks for the feedback on the plugin.
Fist you can adjust the Labels from Dashboard > Easy Property Listings > Settings
That allows you to change Suburb to City or Town or whatever there are 2 settings. One is the Location taxonomy name. The other is the label in the Address Panel.
Language is a great idea about tweaking WordPress on install like now possible with 4.0.
I’ll factor this in the next version.Being Canadian i’ll even translate too.. eh!
Happy for you to contribute on Github, feel free to add additional options or notes. I’m looking for fellow developers to assist in this project which helps them make real estate websites faster where they live.
I have been living in Australia for 20 years and built this for me a real estate agent working here and using specific formats. However its base is to work anywhere.
Please join the support forum and we can keep technical questions and feature requests where it is easier to manage.
Also you can upload screenshots and show me what you want changed so we can adjust the code.
RE: Some docs, or better notes or icons on the admin screen, on which fields are not safe to remove without other customization would be a nice time saver.
I prefer switched like, set once and forget:
— So a price option that removes the on/off price option which forces a price for every listing?
—– I can add that like we have the bond/deposit on off option in Settings.Property is searched more than the word “residential” when a buyer is looking for a property.
10 to 1…
However you can leave the slug property and just change the label.
You can dive into the code
You can use the filter
$labels = apply_filters( 'epl_property_labels', array( 'name' => __('Properties', 'epl'), 'singular_name' => __('Property', 'epl'), 'menu_name' => __('Property', 'epl'), 'add_new' => __('Add New', 'epl'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Listing', 'epl'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Listing', 'epl'), 'new_item' => __('New Listing', 'epl'), 'update_item' => __('Update Listing', 'epl'), 'all_items' => __('All Listings', 'epl'), 'view_item' => __('View Listing', 'epl'), 'search_items' => __('Search Listing', 'epl'), 'not_found' => __('Listing Not Found', 'epl'), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('Listing Not Found in Trash', 'epl'), 'parent_item_colon' => __('Parent Listing:', 'epl') ) );
Property is searched more than the word “residential” when a buyer is looking for a property.
10 to 1…HaHa of course, because around here anyway, there word “property” can apply to anything owned. commercial property, hunting property, rural property, personal property, residential property etc. etc. It’s just too broad a term as used by Realtors here. But it’s your program, I was just commenting how it struck me, I’ll get used to it.
I’ll start using the support forum, I thought I had read that it was only for paid support. I’ll probably end up buying some extensions just wanted to make sure I would be using the plugin first.
There is nothing stopping you to use the filters to change property to something else.
We are working on an extension for boats which changes property to boats.
Just review the filters in the post-type-property.php file there are 4 you can adjust.
So change the slug then change the labels. If I missed another filter let me know so I can add it.
There is no real right or wrong in residential vs property. And there are other factors that come into play but you should be able to adjust accordingly.
We have just added paid priority support. You are a technical developer and can assist in the code. Paid support is for less technical or can spend to get it done quicker.
Please use the forum and I’ll make adjustments to suit your marketplace and evolve the core code.
The big real estate portals use “property” as the slug too…. They spend a hell of a lot on optimization and analytics research too.
OK, I promise I’ll never mention property again. ??
The funny part is that the site I am working on has the domain name like
agentnameproperties.comI will just point out (before I make good on the promise to never mention the word property again) that the difference in the way and use the /property slug vs EPL is that the initial search results slug on trulia/homes is for-sale and that the /property slug is used for the detail view of all property types. /property/property-name/id where on EPL the /property slug is exclusively used by the homes (residential properties) property type and not by land, commercial etc.
That was the result of my initial confusion, property=homes was not what I was expecting.
That is all about that.
What is different about EPL is that all the listings are stored in separate post types. This allows for greater control over content. Eg rental listings don’t need land offers or commercial property.
Plus as WordPress outputs an RSS feed you can hook up MailChimp to automatically send either “property” or “rentals” quite easily, especially for single agents /small teams.
It’s different but tell me, what do you think about the plugin?
It’s different but tell me, what do you think about the plugin?
I’m liking the plugin and especially your help in understanding it.
Since I dove right in initially to figure out if it would fit the needs of this particular website I don’t know all it’s capabilities yet. It looks like you have it working with MLS RETS feeds. While I don’t need that for this project, I do work with Realtors (I was one myself for 15 years) and have sites that pull listings from large RETS databases. So if all goes well I’ll be investigating that next.
Thaks I’ll take my next questions to your support forum. I’ll mark this topic as resolved and give you a 5-star rating.
Thanks Damon,
I tool was a Realtor for 11 years. I built this for me the realtor… however I’m not going back to that, but my mum who is an active realtor is one of many test platforms.
See you in the forum.
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