• kaswistry



    I have a blog at plsociety.websitemanaged.com/index.php that has a ‘meta’ at the left sidebar. I have tried searching for the meta code in all php files available including the index, sidebar, left_sidebar etc but to no avail.

    Could anyone please help me remove it? Thank You!

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  • moshu


    It is in the left_sidebar.

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    This is the code in the sidebar_left.php file. Which part do I remove?:

    <div class="column sidebar_left">
    <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar(1) ) : ?>
    <?php /*?>
      <strong><?php _e('Search'); ?></strong>
    	<form id="searchform" method="get" action="<?php bloginfo('siteurl')?>/">
    		<input type="text" name="s" id="s" class="textbox" value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($s, 1); ?>" />
    		<input id="btnSearch" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Go'); ?>" />
      </li><?php */?>
          <?php _e('Categories'); ?>
          <?php wp_list_cats('optioncount=1&hierarchical=1');    ?>
          <?php _e('Monthly'); ?>
          <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly&show_post_count=true'); ?>
        <h2><?php _e('Pages'); ?></h2>
          <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=' ); ?>
    <?php if(is_home()) {?>
      <?php get_links_list(); ?>
      <?php }?>
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('rVI9T8QwDJ3bX2F1aVku0o0Q0oGZ5XoSY9Ve3UukfClJqe7f47YUBEKwMCTxx7P9npxa5ABcK5FnGZdH8Yyp44yMxZ/08mRLmncgA46PBa+99NBrd1V2dFUZYjy2U9Dl3QPUooCkksYd1mJVNjc7qEuXEJJUEaIia4rKXuHUNO9V4hPOu74Pe5cTdlrfoFHGa4S9k3K2EFTM2YIVWw9y6GxCfmd8ccagTbH9k/pZImhiHhPsRZAcECfwLpKj7M8innb0/6uRKfl7xuZ5Psw+STQYx4B4IILsQ8KLC4MPGCOcV0Qhvke+DliJz741tP1qJbCsn9H+KUsfBDboGqF7UK+b2BzeAA==')));?>



    It looks like the sidebar is widgetized. Have you tried looking in Presentation > Widgets > and then dragging/dropping the Meta links?

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    Yup. If I add the META Widget, I do not remove the original META tags there and the worst part is, I add another META with almost the same contents except for the login link. What Do I do to remove the META?



    I’m looking for help with this too, though I’m using a different theme at https://www.getquicklink.com. I’m pretty familiar with how to remove widgets, but the code for the Meta is nowhere to be found in any of the files. And changing the sidebar via the widgets doesn’t remove it. If I leave Meta out, it STILL shows up in my sidebar. I’m assuming it’s something built into the code somewhere, but I can’t find where.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    @kaswistry: See this code at the end of your sidebar?
    <?php eval(gzinflate(base64...

    That produces the meta stuff. Replace that whole line with this:

    Problem solved, meta gone.

    @beeskneesco: You’ll have to post the relevant part of the theme for us to tell you what to remove. Use https://wordpress.pastebin.ca and post it there, then post the link to it back here.



    Sorry! Here’s the code from sidebar.php

    I tried the suggestion above, but it made my template go all wacky.

    Thanks for your help!!

    <div id=”right-column”>

    <div class=”sidebar”>

      <?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar’) ) : else : ?>
    • <h2>Pages</h2>
      <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php eval(gzinflate(base64_decode(‘tVI9a8MwFJydX/HwYneJIGOrykPnLnGgo7Hjl0ggS0JPrsm/rypbLYTSTh3E++DudAevEbuiKLhWqRZcHsQrhp6z2KybWa9NAvEepMfLc8kbJx0M2l6Vudi68kSHbva6eniCRpQQVNCYYR3WVXszozr3ASFIRUAqdjMpc4Vj224s8Q3n/TD4rHLEXusbtGpyGiErKWtKEcmcfWLFqhGH+HKc3z2f7TShCdT9af4kEXT0TgEyCYKF6AqcpTgo83OMl4z+jzwyBPfI2LIs+8UFiRPSxSPuo0X2FeLN+tF5JIJTQpTifnP/RTK/uG6Kd1AnE+shsO0SNuw6czaq91wSdQcf’)));?>

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    beeskneesco: I decoded that code. In your case, you need to replace that line of nonsense with this:

    Also, next time, use https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/ . Please. It makes things simpler.



    Thanks, will do. That worked like a charm! ??

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    Finally, it worked!

    Thank you everyone!!!




    On a related note, is there a way to take out SOME of the links in ‘Meta’ and leave others in? Eg I’d like to leave ‘Register’ and ‘Login’ there but get rid of some of the others. I’m using the WordPress Default 1.6 as the theme.

    Many thanks in advance,
    Gordon in Madison, WI

    Hello I have tried what Otto42 advised, but I don’t see the same code. Here is a link to my side bar code https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/1059059

    I just want to remove the Meta part of my page.

    Any help will be appreciated.


    someone please reply to gih. i have the same problem.

    The meta tag can be one of 3 placed depending on the theme and how it call sit.

    1, in the sidebar php files of the theme.

    2, in the functions php file of the theme.

    3, most of the time you will need to edit your widjets.php file located in your wordpress install @ wp-includes > widgets.php file around line 525.

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