Remove meta box from Restrict Content Pro add new post page from Author users.
Hello guys ,
I have bought RCP from iThemes and need a small function for my rcp. It is rather a removal of a function.
I would like to accept Author users to my website after membership to post images etc. I like the fact that there is a block to restrict every post right below the post editing with title ”Restrict this content” and the option to set different access.
What I would like is to just remove that block for the authors , or for everyone else expect admin [me].
I have seen ”PublishPress” plugin that restricts permissions of different users having also one block that looks the same like RCP meta box in add new posts page but they don’t include it by default for users other than admins.
I have found some code ln the net about another plugin and how to remove its presence in the backend wordpress menu sidebar from authors [ contact form 7] by this little code.
”/* Remove Contact Form 7 Links from dashboard menu items if not admin */ if (!(current_user_can(‘administrator’))) { function remove_wpcf7() { remove_menu_page( ‘wpcf7’ ); } add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘remove_wpcf7’); }”
I suppose something similar can be done for the meta box? This is the box I am talking about inside the red area
Please, help me out on this one.
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