• I changed the dropdown to activate on mouseover instead of click. In order to prevent bad user behavior on clicks, I’d like to remove the link from the Year Strings so that clicking on them does not take the user away from the page they are on.

    Any assistance is appreciated!

    Does the solution involve a change somewhere in here?:

    function year_start_tags ($year = '', $totals = null) {
            $link_title = __('Year %s archives', 'flexo-archives');
            $nofollow   = $this->nofollow_enabled();
            // Ugly strings used in building the tags
            $year_start = '<ul><li><a href="%s" class="flexo-link" ';
            $year_start .= 'title="' . $link_title . '" >';
            $year_start .= (is_null($totals)) ? '%s' : "%s ($totals[$year])";
            $year_start .= '</a><ul class="flexo-list">';
           $link = sprintf($year_start, get_year_link($year), $year, $year);
            if ($nofollow) {
                $link = $this->add_link_nofollow($link);
            return $link;


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