Hello @sweetsyl,
Thank you for trying Neve out.
I understand you would like to remove the link from the logo located on the header’s navigation bar.
This can be achieved using this JS code:
<script type = "text/javascript" >
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
var logo = document.querySelector('body.blog nav#cb-row--header-main .builder-item--logo .site-logo');
if (logo.firstElementChild.tagName == "A" && logo.firstElementChild.className == "brand") {
This particular code is removing the link from the logo on the blog page. You can replace the “body.blog” part from the first line of code to the page you would like to remove the link from. In order to determine what to add instead of “body.blog”, you need to right-click on the logo and press Inspect. The first class of the body tag is usually the page type as you can see here -> https://prntscr.com/njg0m4
This code can be added to your website using any Scripts plugin you would like.
I usually use this plugin: Header and Footer Scripts.
After installing and activating this plugin, you will need to navigate to Settings -> Header and Footer Scripts and you should be able to notice something like this -> https://prntscr.com/njddn7
In the text field where it says Footer scripts, you need to add the code above.
Please let us know if you succeed.