• Hi

    How do I remove the “Leave a reply” box?

    I read that I have to delete <? php comments_template(); ?>

    But where is I’ve searched in the CSS for an hour now, and can’t find it.

    I also want to remove “Learn more” “Get in touch” and “Need to know”
    But how?

    Thanks in advance.


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  • <? php comments_template(); ?> isn’t found in the CSS, it’ll be found in php files. Try looking in single.php, index.php, page.php etc.

    If you want more specific help you’ll need to give details about your site such as what theme you use, and your websites URL. The set of instructions to carry out this will vary depending on the theme used.

    You can, in most themes, turn off comments on the post/page to hide the Comments, however some themes may still display it even with them turned off.

    This is my problem, too. You read about how to use WordPress, spend a fair amount of dollars, and then find some niggling proble, like this which drives you nuts. Thanks, Rab, but please bear with an ignoramus like me (at least about WordPress), Can you please explain just how I search or find this file: <? php comments_template(); ?> ?



    To edit files in WordPress you need to do it by either viewing your website files after connecting to your web server with an FTP client such as FileZilla, or by using a File Manager in your hosts cpanel or similar.

    Or, you can edit Theme files from the Appearance: Editor menu on the WordPress Dashboard.

    Editing files can break your theme, or WordPress install depending on where you edit. Backup all files before carrying out any modifications so you can revert back. Modifying through an FTP client just makes things a bit easier, especially if a bad edit breaks WordPress and you can no longer access the Dashboard Editor.

    Editing Themes and WordPress isn’t easy if you don’t know HTML/CSS/PHP to some extent, and this is why people often actually employ people to fix things. Anyway…

    Onto editing the files, it really depends on the Theme you use. The instructions for each theme can be different. It’s not a set list of instructions as such, as they are written by different people. Without knowing your theme or website URL I can only give brief instructions.

    <? php comments_template(); ?> ? is what calls your comments template. This will be located in a certain file in your themes folder. For a page, it may be in page.php for example. For a post, it may be in single.php. It’s hard to say. By removing this it’ll stop calling the comments template, however that may lead onto css styling issues.

    You might get better luck posting in that particular themes forum for help ??

    I think I am getting the gist. I will say that I have not, as yet, created a website or blog. I have merely tried Add New Page, written something simple in in, and used Preview to see it. I there see the Leave Reply, etc. which blocks me from going further until I have found out how to remove or disable it. So, progress so far is pretty slow. Once solved this, I hope to move on to more exciting things.


    Try disabling comments on that page, there is a tickbox on your Page editor down the bottom which allows you to toggle it off and on. If you’re theme is nice, it’ll hide all that for you.

    If you don’t see it, press Screen Options in the top right corner and select Discussion (I think, off the top of my head). Then look down the bottom.

    This is much better than editing files…

    Also, when you update a theme all your changes will be gone! Document, and/or use Child Themes where appropriate.

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