i hate to bust all ur bubbles but i don’t see any of that html at all.
i hope this is ok. this is what i have in the comment.php file
* @package Hey Cookie
// Do not delete these lines
if ( post_password_required() ) { ?>
<p class="nocomments"><?php _e( 'This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.' , 'hey-cookie' ) ?></p>
<!-- You can start editing here. -->
<?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?>
<h3 id="comments" class="page_title">
<?php comments_number( __( 'No Responses' , 'hey-cookie' ) , __( 'One Response' , 'hey-cookie' ) , '% ' . __( 'Responses' , 'hey-cookie' ) );?> <?php _e( 'to' , 'hey-cookie' ) ?> “<?php the_title(); ?>”
<div class="navigation">
<div class="alignleft"><?php previous_comments_link() ?></div>
<div class="alignright"><?php next_comments_link() ?></div>
<ol class="commentlist">
<?php wp_list_comments(); ?>
<div class="navigation">
<div class="alignleft"><?php previous_comments_link() ?></div>
<div class="alignright"><?php next_comments_link() ?></div>
<?php else : // this is displayed if there are no comments so far ?>
<?php if ('open' == $post->comment_status) : ?>
<!-- If comments are open, but there are no comments. -->
<?php else : // comments are closed ?>
<!-- If comments are closed. -->
<p class="nocomments"><?php _e( 'Comments are closed.' , 'hey-cookie' ) ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ('open' == $post->comment_status) : ?>
<?php comment_form(); ?>
<?php endif; // if you delete this the sky will fall on your head ?>
if you guys can make sense of it….
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