• Resolved LittlestWinslow


    Hi all –

    I’d like to remove the hover feature on the Social Menu – I’d like the social media icons to just appear white always so they are easier to see.

    Tried tinkering in the CSS and couldn’t figure it out, though I’m sure it’s an easy switch. Help, please?

    Thank you in advance!

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  • supply a link to your site. It makes it much easier to see the problem.

    Thread Starter LittlestWinslow


    Sorry! https://thelittlestwinslow.com

    I also want to add a hover to the main nav, but change the color of that to orange. I was able to get rid of the hover somehow but couldn’t figure out the colorization.

    Just add the following to the style.css in your child theme or use a Custom CSS plugin and add it there.

    #expound-social li a::before {
    content: “?”;
    font: 18px/1 “Genericons”;
    opacity: 1;
    Its the opacity change to 1 that does it!

    Thread Starter LittlestWinslow


    What is that character in between the ” ” in content?

    Tried adding that code but It’s not working. I’m so confused. Most of the code for the social menu starts with:
    .navigation-main ul.social li

    I tried removing all instances of “hover” and it didn’t work.

    Found a couple spots that appeared with a 0.2 opacity, I changed them to 1, didn’t work.

    Are you working on a child theme?
    If you are then you only need to add the css snippet I gave you to the end of the style.css file. Don’t edit the parent theme Style.css, a lot of the settings will cascade to other areas and have unpredictable affects. Also anything you do will be overwritten when you get a theme update.
    In fact you only really need to add this:
    #expound-social li a::before {
    opacity: 1;

    The child theme style overrides the parent theme so you just need to match the selector and use that one property.
    I hope that helps!

    Thread Starter LittlestWinslow


    This worked! Thank you, Martin! Hopefully now that I have the Child theme in place, the other changes I need to do will go into effect. Cheers

    Glad to be of assistance!
    The child theme thing really does make life easier and safer ??

    kind regards


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