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  • Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    No easy way to remove visitors by IP, but you can use the purge by number of hits to remove the spike.

    Thread Starter shogunreaper


    how do i do that?

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Go to Statistics->Optimization->Purging->Data, purge visitors with more than.

    Thread Starter shogunreaper


    well i did it and the data in the “Top 100 Visitors Today” page showed it accordingly

    but i wanted to delete the data making my graph lopsided.

    The blue line in the pictures which is the “visit” count

    dont want to empty the table.

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    That should have done both, let me take a look as to why it didn’t.

    Thread Starter shogunreaper


    did you find out?

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Haven’t had a chance yet.

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Ok, I took a look and I don’t see why it wouldn’t have removed the hits, can you take a look at your wp_statistics_visit table and execute the following SQL:

    SELECT * FROM wp_statistics_visit WHERE visit > 10000

    And let me know what it returns?

    Thread Starter shogunreaper


    inside of phpmyadmin?

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross



    Thread Starter shogunreaper


    i got 3 results

    Edit Edit Copy Copy Delete Delete 235 2015-06-02 23:58:54 2015-06-02 75708
    Edit Edit Copy Copy Delete Delete 237 2015-06-02 23:58:54 2015-06-02 75709
    Edit Edit Copy Copy Delete Delete 239 2015-06-02 23:58:54 2015-06-02 45972

    Can i edit those large numbers to smaller ones without breaking anything and fix the problem?

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Yes, the purge code should have done it automatically, but it’s safe to edit them manually.

    You can use run a SQL statement like:

    SELECT count(hits) FROM wp_statistics_visitor WHERE last_counter = '2015-06-02'

    to check what the value should be.

    You have multiple rows with the same date, have you added the unique indexes to the visits table (via Statistics->Optimization->Database page)?

    Run the following query and let me know the results:

    SELECT * FROM wp_statistics_visit WHERE last_counter = '2015-06-02'

    There are probably 4 (or more) rows, one of which should have a < 10000 entry for hits. If so you can delete all three of the above rows.

    Thread Starter shogunreaper


    it just showed those same 3

    Edit Edit Copy Copy Delete Delete 237 2015-06-02 23:58:54 2015-06-02 75709
    Edit Edit Copy Copy Delete Delete 235 2015-06-02 23:58:54 2015-06-02 75708
    Edit Edit Copy Copy Delete Delete 239 2015-06-02 23:58:54 2015-06-02 45972

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Ok, I’d delete the first and third and then reset the second one to a lower value.

    Make sure to add the unique index to the table as well (see previous post).

    Thread Starter shogunreaper


    thanks i got it

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