• Hi Guys,

    I am in the Spacious: Footer (footer.php) files and Copyright ? 2015 Mysite. Powered by WordPress. Theme: Spacious by ThemeGrill. is hardcoded in the file. How do I remove the Powered by WordPress. Theme: Spacious by ThemeGrill only? Here is how it looks.

    I would like for it to just show:

    Copyright ? 2015 Mysite

    * Theme Footer Section for our theme.
    * Displays all of the footer section and closing of the #main div.
    * @package ThemeGrill
    * @subpackage Spacious
    * @since Spacious 1.0

    </div><!– .inner-wrap –>
    </div><!– #main –>
    <?php do_action( ‘spacious_before_footer’ ); ?>
    <footer id=”colophon” class=”clearfix”>
    <?php get_sidebar( ‘footer’ ); ?>
    <div class=”footer-socket-wrapper clearfix”>
    <div class=”inner-wrap”>
    <div class=”footer-socket-area”>
    <?php do_action( ‘spacious_footer_copyright’ ); ?>
    <nav class=”small-menu clearfix”>
    if ( has_nav_menu( ‘footer’ ) ) {
    wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘footer’,
    ‘depth’ => -1
    ) );

    </div><!– #page –>
    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

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  • remove or comment out <?php do_action( ‘spacious_footer_copyright’ ); ?>
    preferably in a child theme

    Thread Starter KermeshaH


    Thanks for the advice.

    That did not work. It left me with nothing in the footer

    I still would like to have Copyright ? 2015 Mysite.

    if its not a theme setting (the only reason you would be worried about hard coding) you have to add it. You echo it in php or just put regular html

    Gostaria de modificar o rodapé do meu blog.

    Hoje ele está assim:

    Copyright ? 2015 . Powered by WordPress. Tema: Spacious by ThemeGrill.

    Quero acrescentar a palavra organizzada depois de 2015.

    Como eu fa?o isto?

    Quando fa?o a altera??o some os dados do rodapé.

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