Hello @miguelperez10,
Please check this URL: https://gtmetrix.com/reports/audioguidesapp.com/0qZLQlaL/.
Also, please check these screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/07pW76M.
?This issue is related to the performance of your website. In this case, you need to do the following items:
1. Minifying Assets:
To reduce all website assets files, use minified tools, combine tools, and cache plugin(s). Do all of them in one package. They should upload all images, CSS, and JS lighter.
2. Priority of the assets:
All stylesheets should be loaded in the head tag, and all scripts should be loaded in the footer. So please make sure the assets’ priority is correct.
3. Server Optimization:
TTFB; This is related to the host configurations, and users should use a compatible host with WordPress.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_to_first_byte#:~:text=Time%20to%20first%20byte%20(TTFB,received%20by%20the%20client’s%20browser. After the above steps: You have to solve a series of problems that, for example, GTMetrix suggests, and please check the “Performance” tab.
I found another link with helpful content that can help you in this regard: https://gtmetrix.com/wordpress-optimization-guide.html.
And in the end, please don’t forget to read this article: https://web.dev/fast/. After solving the desktop issue, please do them for mobile; to check the mobile website, use this link: https://pagespeed.web.dev/, like this: https://i.postimg.cc/CLjBn4pt/image.png. And check the “PageSpeed Insights” suggestions to find solutions for specific issues.
I hope that helps.
Best Regards