That’s great!
Btw I don’t know if this is the right way to contribute. I added this CSS to make the animation a little bit smoother: .ub_progress-bar-circle .ub_progress-bar-circle-path {
transition: stroke-dashoffset 1.25s ease-out 0s, stroke-dasharray 1.75s ease-out 0s, stroke 1.75s ease-out 0s, stroke-width 1.75s ease-out .3s;
And experiment using this JS in the /src/blocks/progress-bar/ to delay the animation until it appear on screen:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
// Select all progress bar elements
const progressBars = document.querySelectorAll(".ub_progress-bar");
// Intersection observer options
const options = {
root: null, // Observe the entire viewport
threshold: 0.5, // Consider element visible when 50% or more is in the viewport
// Create an IntersectionObserver instance
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) {
entries.forEach(entry => {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {"ub_progress-bar-filled");
// Detach the observer from the element after it's visible
}, options);
// Observe each progress bar element
progressBars.forEach(bar => observer.observe(bar));
Maybe you guys can test and implement it later. The results: