• Resolved salaimonsiddiq


    I’m trying to remove the footer on my Oblique themed website. It reads “Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Oblique by Themeisle.”

    Can anybody help me out? When I deleted it on the editor, my entire site crashed.


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  • Mr Case


    i would look in your footer.php file

    Thread Starter salaimonsiddiq


    Thanks for the reply.

    When I edit anything, my entire wordpress and website just crash.

    I found the actual text, but I cannot remove it without it crashing everything.

    Mr Case


    what file are you editing? how are you editing it? can you paste your code here? (if it inst that much)

    Thread Starter salaimonsiddiq


    I found it here. This is under functions.php below. How much should I edit?

    * Footer credits
    function oblique_footer_credits() {
    echo ‘‘;
    printf( __( ‘Proudly powered by %s’, ‘oblique’ ), ‘WordPress’ );
    echo ‘
    echo ‘<span class=”sep”> | </span>’;
    printf( __( ‘Theme: %2$s by %1$s.’, ‘oblique’ ), ‘Themeisle’, ‘Oblique‘ );
    add_action( ‘oblique_footer’, ‘oblique_footer_credits’ );


    Mr Case


    did you try this?

    * Footer credits
    function oblique_footer_credits() {
    echo '';
    add_action( 'oblique_footer', 'oblique_footer_credits' );

    if you edit your functions file incorrectly it could potentially mess up a lot, especially depending on where the error in the file occurred.

    Thread Starter salaimonsiddiq


    Wow. Worked perfectly! Thank you so much!

    Hi Mr Case and Salaimonsiddiq:
    Thank you both for your dialogue.

    I also came to the forum looking for info on how to remove the “proudly powered by Worpress”…and thankful, this thread has those instructions- so thank you.

    My question; After removing “powered by wordpress”, I tried to put my name and year etc…I wasn’t able to. I wrote the year, but only my name shows. How do I write the year. Sorry, I don’t write code. ?? Planning to learn this year.
    Thank you in advance for your response.

    Never mind…I just figured it out following what Mr Case had provided…removed everything and put my name in there and year…YAY!
    Thank you guys!

    Hey guys…it’s me again!
    Sooo… I had managed to change the footer on the previous version of WordPress following what Mr Case had suggested! The code has now changed, and I have no idea where to change this. Here is the new code, please assist.

    * The template for displaying the footer.
    * Contains the closing of the #content div and all content after
    * @package Oblique

    </div><!– #content –>

    <div class=”svg-container footer-svg svg-block”>
    <?php oblique_svg_1(); ?>
    <footer id=”colophon” class=”site-footer” role=”contentinfo”>
    <div class=”site-info container”>
    <?php do_action(‘oblique_footer’); ?>
    </div><!– .site-info –>
    </footer><!– #colophon –>
    </div><!– #page –>

    <?php wp_footer(); ?>



    Hi! I’m having the same issue @maelijah was having.Did anyone ever find out the answer to this question, because I’m having the same issue.

    In your wp-content/themes/oblique
    folder, open your functions.php
    file, and look for the following code.
    Comment out the functions you don’t want to be used.
    Put a
    where you want to start the comment,
    And to end the comment, use

    When I want to tinker with a function, I will usually
    copy the whole function and then comment it all out (this is the “backup copy”).
    Then after the function getting commented out,
    I post the code I copied and then start tinkering.
    If my tinkering turns tragic, I will delete the broken function and
    then UN-COMMENT out the original code.

    maybe it’s not the best practise , but it works for my when I need to act like ike a script kiddie. XD

    If you comment out credits in the front end, you should maybe throw
    Comments at the top of the php file, so the author gets credit seen by people who are in the know.

    * Footer credits

    function oblique_footer_credits() {
    echo ‘‘;
    printf( __( ‘Proudly powered by %s’, ‘oblique’ ), ‘WordPress’ );
    echo ‘
    echo ‘<span class=”sep”> | </span>’;
    printf( __( ‘Theme: %2$s by %1$s.’, ‘oblique’ ), ‘Themeisle’, ‘Oblique‘ );

    @mrbeltran1 has suggested in this channel: Nice site! The only solution I would suggest is using SiteOrigin CSS plugin and paste the following code (by the way I′m using this code and works fine):

    .shop-isle-poweredby-box {
    visibility: hidden;

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