• hi guys, i hope someone can help me out ??

    i am using portra theme https://portra.wpshower.com/ for a client, but he wanted several modifications to the theme https://marioland.co/

    i solved most of the modifications he wanted, except for one:

    this theme has a beautiful horizontal gallery sistem, but the problem is that when you have a post that doesnt include a gallery, the theme automatically generates one using the featured image.
    i cant find the way to avoid the featured image inside the posts, and thats what i am tring to do.

    the only section in all the theme that seems to have something to do with the gallery is this

    // single page gallery
    	var gallery = {
    		duration: 300,
    		el: false,
    		images: [],
    		count: 0,
    		first_image: false,
    		init: function() {
    			this.el = $('.gallery-animated');
    			if (this.el.length == 1) {
    				if (this.count != 0) {
    					this.first_image = $(this.images[0]);
    					_window.on('ready load resize', gallery.process);
    		update: function() {
    			gallery.images = gallery.el.find('img');
    			gallery.count = gallery.images.length;
    		process: function() {
    			var height = gallery.first_image.height();
    			gallery.images.each(function() {
    				var image = $(this);
    				if (_window.width() > _tablet_width) {
    					var ratio = image.attr('width') / image.attr('height');
    					var width = Math.round(height * ratio);
    					image.parent().on('click', function(event) {
    					image.on('click', function(event) {
    						    if ($('#lightbox').length > 0) {
                                $('#content').html('<img src="' + image.attr("src") + '" />');
                            else {
                                 var lightbox =
                                 '<div id="lightbox">' +
                                 '<p>X</p>' +
                                 '<div id="content">' +
                                 '<img src="' + image.attr("src") +'" />' +
                                 '</div>' +
                           $('#lightbox').live('click', function() {
    		move: function(image) {
    			var scroll = _window.scrollLeft();
    			var window_width = _window.width();
    			var offset = gallery.offset(image, window_width);
    			var index = image.parent().index();
    			if (offset == scroll) { // current image clicked
    				if (index != gallery.count - 1) { // not last image clicked
    					offset = gallery.offset($(gallery.images[index + 1]), window_width);
    				} else {
    					offset = gallery.offset(gallery.first_image, window_width);
    			if (offset != scroll) {
    				$('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollLeft: offset }, gallery.duration);
    		offset: function(image, window_width) {
    			var offset = image.offset().left;
    			var width = image.width();
    			if (width < window_width) {
    				offset -= Math.round((window_width - width) / 2);
    			return offset;

    i dont know what to do with this.
    i just want the featured images out of the single posts.
    here is an example: in this posts we have some videos, we wanted no gallery, but the theme generated one with the featured image on the right side https://marioland.co/soldados-derretidos/

    thanxs ??

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