The code you’re looking for is in sidebar.php Open that file and at the top you will see this …
<div id="subscribe">
<p><img style="vertical-align:-2px;" alt="RSS" src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/feed-icon-16x16.gif" /> <a href="<?php bloginfo_rss('rss2_url') ?>"><?php _e('Entries RSS'); ?></a> | <a href="<?php bloginfo_rss('comments_rss2_url') ?>"><?php _e('Comments RSS'); ?></a></p>
Simply delete it. A caveat: If you delete that bit you may want to adjust your style sheet. Why? Because that DIV is defined in the style sheet and deleting it will leave an empty space where it used to be. Which means the left and right sidebars won’t be evenly matched with respect to the navigation above them.
To fix that, look in the style sheet (style.css) and you will see this …
#left {
width: 190px;
margin: 0;
padding: 5px 0 10px 0;
#sidebar {
padding: 0;
margin: 0 0 0 740px;
background: #fff;
The DIV named LEFT controls all elements in the left sidebar while the DIV named SIDEBAR controls those in the right sidebar.
Note the padding for the DIV LEFT –> 5px 0 10px 0;
That means it has a top padding of 5px, no right padding, bottom padding of 10px and no left padding. (it reads clockwise)
Now note the DIV SIDEBAR has no padding at all –> padding: 0;
So, simply give it a top padding of 5px. It should now look like this …
#sidebar {
padding-top: 5px;
margin: 0 0 0 740px;
background: #fff;
This will line things up evenly once you have deleted the earlier stuff.