remove empty variable of css
hello i want to fix the php and when the value not have option is empty to not prin the value and the variable can you please help me ? maybe on return it must set to simply return; ? thanks a lot
<?php // function anona_custom_style() { $atp_option_var = array( 'atp_themecolor', 'atp_wrapbg', 'atp_wrap_txt', 'atp_theme_border', 'atp_h1', 'atp_h2', 'atp_h3', 'atp_h4', 'atp_h5', 'atp_h6', 'atp_bodyp', 'atp_overlayimages', 'atp_headerproperties', 'atp_subheaderproperties', 'atp_subheader_textcolor', 'atp_footerbg', 'atp_footertext', 'atp_copyrights', 'atp_breadcrumbtext', 'atp_stickybarcolor', 'atp_stickybartext', 'atp_sidebartitle', 'atp_footertitle', 'atp_bodyproperties', 'atp_logotitle', 'atp_tagline', 'atp_topmenu', 'atp_topmenu_linkhover', 'atp_topmenu_hoverbg', 'atp_topmenu_sub_bg', 'atp_topmenu_sub_link', 'atp_topmenu_sub_linkhover', 'atp_topmenu_sub_hoverbg', 'atp_topmenu_active_link', 'atp_menu_dropdown_border_color', 'atp_link', 'atp_linkhover', 'atp_subheaderlink', 'atp_subheaderlinkhover', 'atp_footerlinkcolor', 'atp_footerlinkhovercolor', 'atp_copylinkcolor', 'atp_subheader_pt', 'atp_subheader_pb', 'atp_logo_ml', 'atp_logo_mt', 'atp_footerheadingcolor', 'atp_topbar_bgcolor', 'atp_topbar_text', 'atp_topbar_link', 'atp_mmenu', 'atpbodyfont', 'atp_headings', 'atp_mainmenufont', 'atp_sidebar_link', 'atp_countdown_font', 'iva_weatherbg', 'iva_weather_textcolor', 'atp_extracss', 'atp_content_width', 'atp_innercontent_width', 'atp_boxedcontent_width', ); foreach ( $atp_option_var as $value ) { $$value = get_option( $value ); } $atp_sidebar_cw = ''; if ( get_option( 'atp_content_width' ) ) { $atp_sidebar_cw = 100 - get_option( 'atp_content_width' ); } $anona_page_bg_properties = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'anona_page_bg_prop', true ); if ( ! empty( $anona_page_bg_properties ) ) { $anona_page_bg_properties = array( 'image' => $anona_page_bg_properties['0']['image'], 'repeat' => $anona_page_bg_properties['0']['repeat'], 'position' => $anona_page_bg_properties['0']['position'], 'color' => $anona_page_bg_properties['0']['color'], 'attachment' => $anona_page_bg_properties['0']['attachement'], ); } $custom_css = ''; // Mega Menu Custom CSS $menu_id = get_nav_menu_locations(); $iva_custom_styles = ''; $padding_right = ''; $padding_bottom = ''; $padding_left = ''; if ( isset( $menu_id['primary-menu'] ) ) { $iva_menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_id['primary-menu'] ); foreach ( $iva_menu_items as $iva_item ) { if ( $iva_item->menu_item_parent === '0' ) { $mmenu_stored_val = get_option( 'mm_menu_bg_' . $iva_item->object_id ); if ( isset($mmenu_stored_val['image']) != '' ) { if ( $mmenu_stored_val['pright'] == '' ) { $padding_right = '0'; } else { $padding_right = $mmenu_stored_val['pright']; } if ( $mmenu_stored_val['pbottom'] == '' ) { $padding_bottom = '0'; } else { $padding_bottom = $mmenu_stored_val['pbottom']; } if ( $mmenu_stored_val['pleft'] == '' ) { $padding_left = '0'; } else { $padding_left = $mmenu_stored_val['pleft']; } $custom_css .= " #iva_megamenu .menu-item-{$iva_item->ID} > .sub-container > .sub-menu { background-image: url({$mmenu_stored_val['image']}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: {$mmenu_stored_val['position']}; padding: 25px {$padding_right}px {$padding_bottom}px {$padding_left}px !important; }"; } } } }// Megamenu style ends here if ( get_option( 'atp_content_width' ) ) { $atp_sidebar_cw = 100 - get_option( 'atp_content_width' ); } $theme_color = isset( $atp_themecolor ) ? $atp_themecolor : ''; if ( '' !== $theme_color ) { $custom_css = " .iva-progress-bar .bar-color, .homepage_teaser, table.fancy_table th, .status-format, .comment-edit-link, .ei-slider-thumbs li a:hover, .ei-slider-thumbs li.ei-slider-element, a.btn, #back-top span, .flickr_badge_image:hover, .events-carousel .carousel-event-date, .client-image img:hover, .imageborder:hover, .sub_nav li.current_page_item > a, .sub_nav li.current_page_item > a:hover, .flex-title h5 span, .iva-services:hover .cs-title, .grid figcaption, .arrow, .arrow, .cs-title::after, .ac_title .arrow:hover, .iva-progress-bar .bar-color, .services_icon3, .services_icon4, #subheader, .highlight1, .iva-date-wrap, hr, .iva-date-ui.ui-widget-content .ui-state-active { background-color:{$theme_color} !important; } a, #footer a, #atp_menu > li:hover, #atp_menu > li.sfHover, #atp_menu > li.current-menu-item, #atp_menu > li.current-menu-ancestor, #atp_menu > li.current-page-ancestor, #atp_menu li.current-cat > a, #atp_menu li.current_page_item > a, #atp_menu li.current-page-ancestor > a, #atp_menu li li:hover, #atp_menu li li.sfHover, #atp_menu li li a:focus, #atp_menu li li a:hover, #atp_menu li li a:active, .services_icon1,.highlight2, .tarrow, .services_icon2a, .services_icon2b, .sf-menu li.current-menu-item > a, .sf-menu li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .sf-menu li.current-page-ancestor > a { color: {$theme_color}; } #footer, .hortabs .tabs li.current, .fancyheading span, blockquote.alignright, blockquote.alignleft, .cs-title, .fancytitle span { border-color: {$theme_color}; } blockquote.aligncenter,,, .ac_wrap .ac_content, .ac_wrap .toggle_content, .ac_wrap .ac_title:hover { border-left-color: {$theme_color}; }"; } // End if(). $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'h1#site-title a', ), $atp_logotitle ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'h2#site-description', ), $atp_tagline ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_image_prop( array( 'body', ), $atp_bodyproperties ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_image_prop( array( 'body', ), $anona_page_bg_properties ); if ( ! empty( $atp_overlayimages ) ) { $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.bodyoverlay', ), array( 'background-image' => 'url( ' . THEME_PATTDIR . '/' . $atp_overlayimages . ')', ) ); } $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', '.flex-title h5 span', ), array( 'font-family' => $atp_headings, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( 'body', ), array( 'font-family' => $atpbodyfont, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.sf-menu a', ), array( 'font-family' => $atp_mainmenufont, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.topbar', ), array( 'background-color' => $atp_topbar_bgcolor, 'color' => $atp_topbar_text, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.atp_sub_nav ul li a', '.topbar a', ), array( 'color' => $atp_topbar_link, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_image_prop( array( '.header', '#fixedheader', ), $atp_headerproperties ); // Styling Menu $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.header-style2 .primarymenu', '.header-style3 .primarymenu', ), array( 'background-color' => $atp_mmenu, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( '.sf-menu > li > a' ), $atp_topmenu ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_image_prop( array( '.sf-menu ul li a' ), $atp_topmenu_sub_bg ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.sf-menu ul li a', '.topbar a', ), array( 'background-color' => $atp_topmenu_sub_bg, 'border-color' => $atp_menu_dropdown_border_color, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( '.sf-menu > li > a', '.primarymenu > li > a', ), $atp_mainmenufont ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#atp_menu li:hover', '#atp_menu li.sfHover', ), array( 'background-color' => $atp_topmenu_hoverbg, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#atp_menu li:hover', '#atp_menu li.sfHover', '#atp_menu a:focus', '#atp_menu a:hover', '#atp_menu a:active', ), array( 'color' => $atp_topmenu_linkhover, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#atp_menu ul li', ), array( 'background-color' => $atp_topmenu_sub_bg, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#atp_menu ul a', ), array( 'color' => $atp_topmenu_sub_link, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#atp_menu li li:hover', '#atp_menu li li.sfHover', '#atp_menu li li a:focus', '#atp_menu li li a:hover', '#atp_menu li li a:active', ), array( 'background-color' => $atp_topmenu_sub_hoverbg, 'color' => $atp_topmenu_sub_linkhover, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#atp_menu li.current-cat > a', '#atp_menu li.current_page_item > a', '#atp_menu li.current-page-ancestor > a', '#atp_menu li.current-menu-item > a', '#atp_menu li.current-menu-ancestor > a', '#atp_menu li.current-page-ancestor > a', ), array( 'color' => $atp_topmenu_active_link, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#atp_menu > li:hover', '#atp_menu > li.sfHover', '#atp_menu > li.current-menu-item', '#atp_menu > li.current-menu-ancestor', '#atp_menu > li.current-page-ancestor', ), array( 'color' => $atp_topmenu_active_link, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#atp_menu > li.current-menu-item:hover', '#atp_menu > li.current-menu-ancestor:hover', '#atp_menu > li.current-page-ancestor:hover', ), array( 'color' => $atp_topmenu_active_link, ) ); // Link Colors $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( 'a', '.entry-meta > span a', '.entry-meta > span', '.widget.widget_nav_menu li a', '.sub_nav li a', ), array( 'color' => $atp_link ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( 'a:hover', '.entry-meta > span a:hover', '.entry-header .entry-title a:hover', '.widget.widget_nav_menu li a:hover', '.sub_nav li a:hover', ), array( 'color' => $atp_linkhover ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#subheader a' ), array( 'color' => $atp_subheaderlink ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#subheader a:hover' ), array( 'color' => $atp_subheaderlinkhover ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#footer a' ), array( 'color' => $atp_footerlinkcolor ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#footer a:hover' ), array( 'color' => $atp_footerlinkhovercolor ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#footer .copyright a' ), array( 'color' => $atp_copylinkcolor ) ); // Subheader Background $custom_css .= anona_generate_image_prop( array( '#subheader', ), $atp_subheaderproperties ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_image_prop( array( '#footer', ), $atp_footerbg ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.pagemid', ), array( 'background-color' => $atp_wrapbg, 'color' => $atp_wrap_txt, ) ); // Theme Border Color $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.rightsidebar #sidebar .content', '.rightsidebar .content-area', '.leftsidebar #sidebar .content', '.leftsidebar .content-area', '.widget.widget_nav_menu li:first-child a, .sub_nav li:first-child a', '.widget.widget_nav_menu li a, .sub_nav li a', '.widget.widget_nav_menu li:last-child a, .sub_nav li:last-child a', '.copyright .inner', '.cs-title', '.ac_wrap .ac_content', '.ac_wrap .toggle_content', '', '', '.hortabs .tab_content', '.btn.light', '.vertabs .tab_content', '.ac_wrap .ac_title:hover', ' .arrow', ' .arrow', '.pest-meta-info', 'table th', 'table td', 'table.fancy_table', 'table.fancy_table td', '.divider', '.iva-testimonial', ), array( 'border-color' => $atp_theme_border, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#subheader', ), array( 'padding-top' => $atp_subheader_pt, 'padding-bottom' => $atp_subheader_pb, 'color' => $atp_subheader_textcolor, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#subheader .page-title', ), array( 'color' => $atp_subheader_textcolor, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.logo', ), array( 'margin-left' => $atp_logo_ml, 'margin-top' => $atp_logo_mt, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#sticky', ), array( 'background-color' => $atp_stickybarcolor, 'color' => $atp_stickybartext, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'body', 'input', 'select', 'textarea', ), $atp_bodyp ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'h1' ), $atp_h1 ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'h2' ), $atp_h2 ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'h3' ), $atp_h3 ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'h4' ), $atp_h4 ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'h5' ), $atp_h5 ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( 'h6' ), $atp_h6 ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( '.widget-title' ), $atp_sidebartitle ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( '#footer .widget-title' ), $atp_footertitle ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( '#footer' ), $atp_footertext ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_font_prop( array( '#footer .copyright' ), $atp_copyrights ); $custom_css .= anona_generate_image_prop( array( '.iva-date-wrap', ), $iva_weatherbg ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.iva-date-wrap', ), array( 'color' => $iva_weather_textcolor, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#footer .widget-title', ), array( 'color' => $atp_footerheadingcolor, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.breadcrumbs', ), array( 'color' => $atp_breadcrumbtext, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.countdown-amount', '.countdown-section', ), array( 'color' => $atp_countdown_font, ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.rightsidebar .content-area', ), array( 'width' => $atp_content_width . '%', ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.rightsidebar #sidebar', ), array( 'width' => $atp_sidebar_cw . '%', ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '.inner', '.pagemid > .inner', '.header-area', '.subheader-inner', ), array( 'width' => $atp_innercontent_width . 'px', ) ); $custom_css .= anona_gen_css_prop( array( '#boxed #wrapper', ), array( 'width' => $atp_boxedcontent_width . 'px', ) ); // Custom CSS from theme options $custom_css .= $atp_extracss; wp_add_inline_style( 'iva-responsive', $custom_css ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'anona_custom_style', 2000 ); //for font css attributes function anona_generate_font_prop( $selectors = null, $arr_var = null ) { $css = ''; $inline_css = ''; $size = isset( $arr_var['size'] ) ? 'font-size:' . $arr_var['size'] . ';' : ''; $color = isset( $arr_var['color'] ) ? 'color:' . $arr_var['color'] . ';' : ''; $lineheight = isset( $arr_var['lineheight'] ) ? 'line-height:' . $arr_var['lineheight'] . ';' : ''; $style = isset( $arr_var['style'] ) ? 'font-style:' . $arr_var['style'] . ';' : ''; $variant = isset( $arr_var['fontvariant'] ) ? 'font-weight:' . $arr_var['fontvariant'] . ';' : ''; $css = "{$size} {$color} {$lineheight} {$style} {$variant}"; $css = trim( $css ); if ( isset( $selectors ) ) { if ( is_array( $selectors ) && ! empty( $selectors ) ) { $inline_css .= implode( ",\n$inline_css", $selectors ); } } // Apply inline CSS if ( '' == trim( $inline_css ) ) { $inline_css .= $css; } else { $inline_css .= '{ ' . $css . '} '; } // Format/Clean the CSS. $inline_css = "\n" . $inline_css; if ( '' != $css ) { return $inline_css; } } //for background image css attributes function anona_generate_image_prop( $selectors = null, $arr_var = null ) { $css = ''; $inline_css = ''; $image = isset( $arr_var['image'] ) ? 'background-image:url( ' . $arr_var['image'] . ' );' : ''; $repeat = isset( $arr_var['style'] ) ? 'background-repeat:' . $arr_var['style'] . ';' : ''; $position = isset( $arr_var['position'] ) ? 'background-position:' . $arr_var['position'] . ';' : ''; $color = isset( $arr_var['color'] ) ? 'background-color:' . $arr_var['color'] . ';' : ''; $attachment = isset( $arr_var['attachment'] ) ? 'background-attachment:' . $arr_var['attachment'] . ';' : ''; if ( '' !== $image ) { $css = "{$image} {$color} {$position} {$repeat} {$attachment}"; } else { $css = "{$color}"; } if ( isset( $selectors ) ) { if ( is_array( $selectors ) && ! empty( $selectors ) ) { $inline_css .= implode( ",\n$inline_css", $selectors ); } } // Apply inline CSS if ( '' == trim( $inline_css ) ) { $inline_css .= $css; } else { $inline_css .= '{ ' . $css . '} '; } // Format/Clean the CSS. $inline_css = "\n" . $inline_css; if ( '' != $css ) { return $inline_css; } } function anona_gen_css_prop( $selectors = null, $properties = null ) { $css = ''; $inline_css = ''; if ( is_array( $properties ) && ! empty( $properties ) ) { foreach ( $properties as $name => $value ) { if ( '' !== $value ) { if ( 'font-family' === $name ) { $value = '"' . $value . '"'; } $css .= "$name:$value; "; } } } if ( isset( $selectors ) ) { if ( is_string( $selectors ) && '' != $selectors ) { $inline_css .= $selectors; } elseif ( is_array( $selectors ) && ! empty( $selectors ) ) { $inline_css .= implode( ",\n$inline_css", $selectors ); } } // Apply inline CSS if ( '' == trim( $inline_css ) ) { $inline_css .= $css; } else { $inline_css .= '{ ' . $css . '} '; } // Format/Clean the CSS. $inline_css = "\n" . $inline_css; if ( '' != $css ) { return $inline_css; } }
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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