Yeah, i see it already.But when i add it my functions.php the whole site crashed. My functions.php looks like this:
<?php defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) OR die( ‘This script cannot be accessed directly.’ );
* Include all the needed files
* (!) Note for Clients: please, do not modify this or other theme’s files. Use child theme instead!
$us_theme_supports = array(
‘plugins’ => array(
‘js_composer’ => ‘/framework/plugins-support/js_composer/js_composer.php’,
‘Ultimate_VC_Addons’ => ‘/framework/plugins-support/Ultimate_VC_Addons.php’,
‘revslider’ => ‘/framework/plugins-support/revslider.php’,
‘contact-form-7’ => NULL,
‘gravityforms’ => ‘/framework/plugins-support/gravityforms.php’,
‘woocommerce’ => ‘/framework/plugins-support/woocommerce/woocommerce.php’,
‘wpml’ => ‘/framework/plugins-support/wpml.php’,
‘bbpress’ => ‘/framework/plugins-support/bbpress.php’,
require dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/framework/framework.php’;
unset( $us_theme_supports );