• Resolved amandapiasta


    I would like the default values in my form to be removed when that element is focused on, but not if something different has been written on blur.

    I have been using this code for other forms, but it doesn’t work when I put it into the Responsive Contact Form script area:

    //remove form values when user clicks in the field.
    		function() {
    			if (this.value == this.defaultValue) {
    				this.value = '';
    	);//close on click
    		function() {
    			if (this.value == '') {
    				this.value = this.defaultValue;
    	);// close on blur

    The website is https://taragaucher.com/directory/contact/


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  • Plugin Author August Infotech


    Hello amandapiasta,

    please try removing functions onblur=”replace[field name]()” from Plugins\responsive-contact-form\include\ai-contact-form-template.php page and include your script in same page,
    and please correct errors in input fields, spacing before and after attributes as I found it on your site.

    If you still find any trouble, please let us know.

    August Infotech

    Thread Starter amandapiasta


    Hi August,

    thanks for the reply. Where does the extra space come from? I have no idea why that is there. I am viewing it in developer tools for chrome and it shows me something like this:

    <div class="control-group message">
    <label class="control-label" for="ai_comment">...</label>
    <div class="controls">...</div>

    I assume you are talking about the :before and :after spots …but I don’t know where those are being inserted.

    Thread Starter amandapiasta


    Well i figured out how to remove the previous stated :before and :after … they were included from the contact.css

    It still does not seem to be working… seems to be another javascript error because if I do not include my code it works, but if I add it in, it doesn’t work. :/

    I have added the following in ai-contact-form-template.php above the functions:

    $(document).ready(function() {
    	//remove form values when user clicks in the field.
    			function() {
    				if (this.value == this.defaultValue) {
    					this.value = '';
    		);//close on click
    			function() {
    				if (this.value == '') {
    					this.value = this.defaultValue;
    		);// close on blur
    Plugin Author August Infotech


    Hello amandapiasta,

    We have found below jquery error in your contact page.
    Error: TypeError: $ is not a function
    Source File: https://taragaucher.com/directory/contact/
    Line: 7254

    Solution is : put jQuery instead of $
    Kindly check and put below code in your template.

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    	//remove form values when user clicks in the field.
    			function() {
    				if (this.value == this.defaultValue) {
    					this.value = '';
    		);//close on click
    			function() {
    				if (this.value == '') {
    					this.value = this.defaultValue;
    		);// close on blur

    Thread Starter amandapiasta


    Sweet, it works!

    Thanks August!

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