• Hi

    There are a couple of workarounds in the internet describing how to remove a custom post type slug from the URL. If I deactivate qTx then those workarounds (mostly a plugin filtering the final URL) work. If I active qTx then those workarounds do not work. That means my wish to remove a custom post type from the slug is a qTx thing.

    Just to make 100% clear what I want: I’ve got a custom post type called portfolio, hence the slug portfolio is part of the URL. Example: [Link redacted]

    What I want is to remove the portfolio string from the URL when WP creates the link. Target state should be [Link redacted]

    The workarounds I mentioned before use: add_filter( 'post_type_link', 'fw_remove_slug', 10, 3 ); – please see f.e. [Link redacted]

    Hope you can help me.


    [Link redacted]

    [Moderator Note: Please be aware of the example domains you’re providing and never use a porn site. Use example.com instead.]

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