• Hi my problem is that i can’t get rid of the Continue Reading link at the page Tag Archives.

    I have it on my front page and i wanna keep it that way, but not on my Tag Archives page.

    Is there a code i need to delete or what can i do???

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  • might work by editing functions.php of the theme, and changing in this area:

    (basically adding a conditional statement, using ‘is_tag()’, to two filter functions)

    Thread Starter PAWs FABRIK


    Thanx that really worked, it removed the Continue Reading link but the css style:
    function twentyten_excerpt_length( $length ) {
    return 40;
    is still there but i just added a really high number like 10000, is there a way to make it auto, false or something?

    Another problem is now that i have the same bug with my pictures/videos in the post, they wont show up only if I click on leave a comment.

    What can I do about that?

    your question:

    Remove “Continue Reading” from TwentyTen Tag Archives

    therefore the edits i suggested.

    (the excerpt is stripped of all html tags, and therefore will have no images, and nearly no formatting)

    if you want to show the full post instead of the excerpt in the tag archive, then (forget the edits, and my earlier reply) you will need to edit loop.php:

    line 132:

    <?php if ( is_archive() || is_search() ) : // Only display excerpts for archives and search. ?>

    change this to:

    <?php if ( (is_archive() && !is_tag()) || is_search() ) : // Only display excerpts for archives and search. ?>

    this should show the full post in tag archives (but not in category archives, and not in time archives)

    Thread Starter PAWs FABRIK


    I tried changeing the line 132 with your new line but notthing happens.

    Maybe you you can se what is wrong?
    The site is:
    https://masterdyke.org/?tag=photography (not published yet)
    The login is: dykemasterflash Password: dykedykedyke333

    i only see that there are still excerpts shown –

    to check if the changes have reached loop.php –
    can you paste the code of loop.php into a https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ and post the link to it here?

    Thread Starter PAWs FABRIK


    advantage of the pastebin is that it shows line numbers with the code.

    if you look into the pastebin https://wordpress.pastebin.com/uHyfBxr5 , you can see that you edited the wrong line – the if statement appears at least twice in the file;

    edit the one in line 132, and it should work …

    Thread Starter PAWs FABRIK


    Wooow it works now,
    my fault before, it was difficult to finde the lines without the numbers and then i did the wrong one.

    Thak you so much for your help, you are the man.

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