A message for Tony Hayes hopefully you can help 2 updates ago the plugin as conflicted my page if you look at the Geoff Dorset page the bit at the top as appeared. Is there away to remove the picture and schedule on the page so just my bit can appear. The below was Tony’s answer.
It looks like your Show Page template is breaking for some reason. Can you please post this page to Support forum, so Tony Hayes can get back to you with a suggestion. I don’t see a site with the logo that you have there at the top left. has a different logo and I can’t find that exact page without a link to it. I did find something like this: And, that looks correct. Some of your show pages have just that on the page, while some of your other show pages have what you’re showing me here, but the page template is full width and the left sidebar below with the blue buttons doesn’t load all the way and is cut off.
I will say this – what we introduced with the featured avatar on the left and the show details on the right most likely breaks the show template for a lot of folks with custom pages. You should use the Show Logo instead of featured image for the small thumbnail on the left and you should use featured image for a full width page image of the show host at the mic. But please post this to the support forum so we can work on it with you.
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