Hi @samgardiner,
Thank you for your message.
To modify the output of the plugin, the Clearpay hook clearpay_is_product_supported
can be used as documented here: https://developers.clearpay.com/docs/woocommerce-hooks. For example the below code may fit the requirements.
function clearpay_ips_callback( $bool_result, $product ) {
$product_price = wc_get_price_including_tax( $product );
if( 1 > $product_price || $product_price > 1000 ) {
return false;
return $bool_result;
add_filter( 'clearpay_is_product_supported', 'clearpay_ips_callback', 10, 2 );
The above code can be added to the functions.php file. A child theme should be used to do this if the site theme receives updates. Clearpay also recommends testing code changes on a staging site first, as well as taking a full backup before making any changes to a live site.
Thank you.