The system will automatically notify the administrator and the user whenever a rental order is created or confirmed (paid) through the front-end booking process. The status applied to each rental order is given by the payments configured, but this only applies to the Pro/commercial version of the plugin, while the free version will always set the rental orders to “Confirmed” because no payment methods are available by default.
From the configuration page you can choose if the confirmation email should be sent only when the status becomes “Confirmed”, hence when there are no payment methods configured or when for example a credit card transaction succeeds, or also when the status is “Pending” (Stand-by).
Instead, rental orders that get created, modified or confirmed through the wp-admin section of the plugin will never notify the users automatically. However, you are going to find several functions to re-send the confirmation email to the customer or to send a custom email message.
Moreover, for each vehicle it is possible to define additional administrator email addresses to be notified in case of bookings, and by using the “Conditional Text Rules” you can eventually have more addresses notified in case specific criteria (conditions) are met.