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  • Hi,

    Yes, you can do this with help of CSS. Use following CSS code for removeing Breadcrumb from selected page

    .page-id-36 .bread-title-holder .cont_nav {
        display: none;

    replace 36 by your page id.
    Find page id from WordPress Dashboard >> pages.


    could you tell me where in the CSS I should place this code. I would like to remove the heading with title and breadcrumbs from all pages

    thank you

    If you want to remove the heading with title and breadcrumbs from all pages put below CSS code at end of style.css file inside theme folder

    .bread-title-holder {
        display: none !important;


    Hello mpanddesigns,

    I think (really a noob) that you can place it where you want in the stylesheets.css (style.css)
    I for myself place customthings at the bottom with an explanation and some space ebtween each to have a better view of things.

    i found out that to remove the whole heading and not just the text use :

    .bread-title-holder {display: none;}

    It worked wonders for me.

    Have a nive day !

    Thanks!! Yes a Baby Nobb !!! ??
    Thank you will try now

    Gunjan, you seem to have a good grasp of this section, so I will add an extra question to this.

    Once the breadcrumb is removed, how could I add a different background image for the header section on any given page (or perhaps all of them)?

    Would something like this work?

    .bread-title-holder {
        background-image: url("xxxxxxxxxxx");

    Thank you in advance.

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