• Hello,
    I am very happy with this theme, but I’d like to remove the grey borders that appear around posts and pages. How can I do ?

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  • In your Child Theme or CSS Editor Plugin try this code:

    .site-main {
        background-color: #fff;

    If your theme has a custom CSS Editor in it, you can also paste the code in there.

    Never edit core CSS or PHP files, they’ll be deleted when the theme is updated.

    Thread Starter andrioli


    This code is for the background, isn’t? I tried it but did not work for the borders.
    I need to remove the thin borders that is about 2pixels width around the post area and content area of pages.
    Any other idea?

    What is the link to your site?

    Thread Starter andrioli


    here :
    https://n a u cleshg.com/

    I’d like to rezise the thumnail too, whithout croping the image.

    Thread Starter andrioli


    It was a shadow element and not border, this part is resolved.
    But I still can’t resize the thumbnails. I tried this : set_post_thumbnail_size( 50, 50 );
    but doesn’t work

    Theme Author GavickPro


    @andrioll – v.1.3.0 introduced option to specify the portfolio image dimensions – you can specify it under advanced settings in the Theme Customizer. Please remember that you will have to regenerate thumbnails after changing the size.

    Thread Starter andrioli


    Yes that’s what I did, but still don’t work.
    I reinstalled a fresh new portfolio theme remove all css custimizations and desactivated all the plugins except thumbnail regenerate.
    In the customize visualizator the thumbnails size do not change accordingly to the new settings, even after regenerating. On the website the thumbnails still keep the old dimentions and crop, without changing to the new settings (that even the visualizator don’t take account).

    Thread Starter andrioli


    I’d like the thumbnails to be 200x200px

    Theme Author GavickPro


    @andrioli – did you refreshed your browser cache? Or you tried to check it in other browser?

    Thread Starter andrioli


    yes but same problem…
    more over, the thumbnail size is different on each page (catalogue and audio work page of the website)

    Theme Author GavickPro


    Could you send an access to your back-end to our developer: dziudek[at]gavick[dot]com? He could analyze your issue more deeper.

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