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  • Plugin Author Sumo


    Hey Everyone ??

    We’ve been working on improving SumoMe support, which includes making sure we answer issues here. If you are not getting a response fast enough, contact us directly at and we will definitely get you a response.

    We use to offer a badge removal for $10.00. We never offered branding removal. ONLY a badge removal. It was a one time fee.

    We are really excited to offer more premium features to our users! We have transitioned from a one time fee to a subscription model that’s going to ensure we can provide better support and better features in future updates ??

    The use of our Apps remains FREE. There is no trick. We will continue to release awesome FREE Apps.

    We have to change things. We can’t continue to develop FREE apps or improve them faster, create them faster, and help you more efficiently without change ??

    It’s always good to see the plugin owner/dev responding to tickets like this. Kudos.

    .sumome-control.sumome-control-left {
    display: none!important;

    works now.

    Well, I have deleted Sumome in place of Ninja Pop Ups and Optin Forms two other plugins that seem to give me the main things I need at this time. Probably the biggest turn off for me is receiving an onslaught of spam mail about their products from AppSumo ever since downloading Sumome. I have received 7 email in the last two days between Appsumo and Sumomen including some obnoxious boast about how Appsumo has reached 1 billion people in 2014. Really? An app company 1 billion people, huh…I would be curious how those numbers were calculated. Really the most important thing I found was when I did have Sumome installed with the email bar at the top of the screen I noticed how long it took for the form to load in comparison to other plug ins. That was the deal breaker along with the $60 a year fee (up from one time $10 weeks ago).

    tboston007… Well said!!!
    I’d well fed up of the boastful emails since using a sumome plugin and signing up for whatever got my roped in to their ‘spam’ attacks. And then, within the plugin itself, they throw more sumome related offers our way. Enough already. I’ve paid my fee now leave me alone.
    I’m shocked that the price has escalated from a reasonable $10 to silly money. How greedy is that?

    Am I foolish to presume those who paid the $10 previously still have a “lifetime” removal? Or, are we expected to begin paying the subscription now that the rules have changed?

    Plugin Author Sumo


    Greetings everyone!

    It’s true, we no longer offer the $10.00 one time fee for Hidden Badge removal, however, those who paid for the $10.00 one time fee Hidden Badge removal in the past are grandfathered in.

    Please remember the purchases are bound to SiteID and are non transferable.

    We have moved that service to a paid subscription service. To read more about our new Upgrades and Features, You can visit our Sumo Store and see the list there or read about it here:

    I’m sorry you feel we are spamming you. We try to only send informative emails once you sign up with SumoMe. We send out a multi-day newsletter at the start to help people get started with our Email Apps.

    We appreciate all the feedback, good and bad.

    Ben Meredith


    It violates the plugin guidelines to have a public facing “powered by” link. (rule 10, specifically) This is enough grounds to be removed from the WordPress repo.

    You make such a good product, SumoMe. Don’t taint it by not playing by the rules. If you want the powered by link, host the plugin on your own servers, and not here.

    That being said, I love the plugin. It’s the best I’ve found for increasing subscribers.

    Plugin Author Sumo


    Hey Ben Meredith,

    Thanks for looking out, appreciate it!

    We actually qualify as “Serviceware”. You can see that listed in the plugin guidelines under #6.

    “Serviceware” plugins are defined as plugins that merely act as an interface to some external third party service (eg. a video hosting site). Serviceware plugins ARE allowed in the repository, as long as the code in the plugin meets all other conditions. These are allowed even for pay services, as long as the service itself is doing something of substance. Creation of a “service” which does nothing but to provide keys or licenses or anything similar for the plugin, while the plugin does all the actual work, is prohibited. Moving arbitrary code into the service so that it can appear to do some work is also prohibited. This will be handled on a case by case basis and our judgment on any given case is final.

    (Point of clarification: A “storefront” is not a “service”. If your plugin merely acts as a front-end to allow its users to purchase product from your systems, then it will not be accepted into the repository.)

    the WP plugin doesn’t add “powered by” links, the service does. Hope that clears that up ??

    Glad you like our product and very happy its increasing your subscribers!

    Ben Meredith


    Fair enough.

    My gripe is not with the powered by link, to be honest. I don’t mind letting users know that the popup I want them to see is powered by a service. That’s totally fine, because I do want them to see that popup, and recognize that it’s a price to pay for having them see the popup.

    I don’t want them to see the little blue tab. Ever.

    It’s like having the admin toolbar on every page. It’s confusing for the end user (who doesn’t know that SumoMe is a plugin powering the seemingly unrelated box which pops up in a different part of the screen), and when they click on the crown, they are asked to log in. Log in? To what? Why?

    So, I’m asked to pay for the “feature” of not confusing my readers? That’s like a top-notch paving company putting down a speed bump on the entrance of every parking lot, and making owners pay to have it removed. Just be a top-notch paving company, that’ll be enough.

    Again, yours is a great plugin, providing a great service, with lots of great features added on for paying users. I’m even considering becoming one of those paid users, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that a big reason I’d be paying you is because you are confusing my readers with your free offering.

    At least you could add a line of text to the sign in box that appears after a user clicks explaining what SumoMe is, not just asking them to sign in. I’d be ok with something like “This site uses SumoMe, a fantastic set of tools designed to increase subscribers to their email list, without being annoying. Would you like something like this on your site, for free? Sign up or log in below for details.”

    That way my readers aren’t asked to sign into a service they know nothing about, and your little blue badge begins to make sense on my site.

    Thanks for your response. I’m glad I now understand the difference between a shady “powered by” link and a legit one.

    Plugin Author Sumo


    Hey Ben Meredith,

    I feel you, I do. This is not a new conversation for us. Some people just have a very adverse reaction to the tab. We understand.

    Unless your users are actively clicking on the blue sliver of the blue tab, its not going to interrupt your user experience. They never see the panel the way you do as you’re logged in.

    You can also move it into any of the 4 corners. I think the more likely case is, you know what it is, you think it’s a huge eyesore. We have blue tab visible on some seriously high volume websites: – 2M viewers a month – 5.2M viewers a month – 2.6M viewers a month – 600k viewers a month – 1.7M viewers a month

    Those are just a few.

    Run Heatmaps. I think you’d be happy to see people don’t really interact with it.

    We offer hidden badge and priority email support with any of our Pro purchases. Maybe one of our free apps will evolve into such an amazing value paid app that you wont feel that way.

    We have no intention to or desire to alienate or disenfranchise our free users. We’re going to keep making awesome free apps. We’re going to keep trying to create value for the little guy, and then along the way we’re gonna keep making that value grow.

    Thanks for your honest feedback and support.

    I just wanted to say, that the blue tab is very stupid, and I am pretty sure its not some people, but 99% of people have an adverse reaction to it, because its useless for a normal user, so why should it be there, you already have a powered by link for the sumome, so not really even sure why you would need some random tab there. I would be happy to pay $10 to remove that blue tab, but a monthly subscription just to remove that is just overpriced, I installed sumome, but I removed it as soon as I realized there was a random blue tab on the screen, not really sure either why those websites would choose to clutter the user experience, and I am going to go for an alternative like, just providing some feedback, and also I am pretty sure people would buy subscription when they can afford it, but when people start new blogs, I don’t think they would waste money on a plugin like this, so just giving some feedback.

    Plugin Author Sumo


    Hey Nish2011,

    Totally understand, and thanks for the honest feedback! Truly ??



    As a designer, I can’t have something on my site that distracts, contrasts with my palette, and is in a place I don’t want it. Sorry, it sounded good and I thought it would be handy to have several tools in one place, but I already have the functions I really need with other plugins, including a much nicer slide up email sign-up box that I could design.

    Scroll Triggered Boxes by Danny Van Kooten, along with his MailChimp for WordPress Lite, and Inline Tweet Sharer by Rys Wynne are working great for me!

    Thank you anyway. A pity. (At least maybe let people change the color?)

    Google doesn’t like “powered by” and “designed by” links. They consider them to be manipulating the algorithm, and can decide to penalize a site that has links like that.

    Or the site being linked by them.

    Either way, this is not good SEO. I paid $10 to remove branding, found out that was misleading and nothing will make the branding fully go away, and cannot get a refund, I guess. I’ve canceled the subscription, but you’re holding onto my credit card info with your greedy little hands until it’s over, so I have to wait a month before I can hopefully delete it from your servers!

    Your ethics leave a lot to be desired.

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