Remove blog prefix from URL
Hi! First off, I want to thank you for creating such a wonderful plugin. I tried a few other podcast plugins over the week and none of them make podcasting as intuitive as yours. Thank you.
I understand that all episodes created under SSP plugin are filed under the custom post type “podcast”. My problem is that my WordPress is configured such that all posts have a prefix of /blog/ in front, so all episodes created under SPP plugin have a url of I’d like to remove the /blog/ prefix from the “podcast” posts. Meaning,
Instead of:
I want this: tried researching online but all the solutions talk about how to remove the blog prefix while registering the custom post type, not about how to modify from a custom post type that’s already registered in a plugin. I’ve also read the SPP documentation but I could only find a post on modifying the podcast slug, not to remove the WordPress /blog/ prefix.
I know that the solution has something to do with creating a function in functions.php and adding the rewrite rule of “with_front” = false, but without programming knowledge, I have no idea how to do that. I don’t want to modify the plugin files since these would be overwritten when the plugin gets updated next time.
I’ve exhausted all options and would really, really appreciate any help you can give. Thank you!
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