Remove ajax.php ?
Good day,
we would very much like to use the PlugIn for our site.
We tried it on our mirrored site and a script unfortunately triggers the employee login to appear for everyone:/* <![CDATA[ */
var moove_frontend_gdpr_scripts =.
{“ajaxurl”:”\/wp-admin/admin-ajax. php”, “post_id”: “4833”, “plugin_dir”:”\/wp-content\/plugins\/gdpr-cookie-compliance”, “show_icons”: “all”, “is_page”:””, “strict_init”: “1”, “enabled_default”:{“third_party”:1, “advanced”: 0},”geo_location”:”false”,”force_reload”:”false”,”is_single”:””,”hide_save_btn”:”false”,”current_user”:”0″,”cookie_expiration”:”365″,”script_delay”:”2000″,”wp_lang”:”_en”};
/* ]]> */wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php
var moove_frontend_gdpr_scripts
“ajaxurl”:”\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.phpIs there any way to remove the script and if so where?
Best regards and thanks in advance!
Luca Eberhardt
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