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  • Hi siteprowizard,

    We also offer the Ad Management Panel which does NOT require the access key to edit listings. You can activate that under Classifieds->Settings, General tab. It allows users to edit the ads in bulk.

    We’re actively working on a BuddyPress module that will allow you better editing access via the profile, but it’s not ready yet.

    I really think you should make this a priority, it’s a massive oversight IMO and it’s probably going to be a showstopper for me. It’s an absolute make or break issue.

    Being able to EASILY edit your listing is ESSENTIAL. Neither the access key or the dashboard solution are acceptable. I appreciate this is free software, but you want me to use it and I want to use it, but I don’t think my members will accept this and I’m not willing to upset them.

    I absolutely hear what you’re saying, halodin. BuddyPress integration now allows for this on the front end. It’s publicly releasing this month.

    Thanks for the quick reply. The problem is BuddyPress has a lot of unnecessary stuff, when all I want is to edit the Ads easily. I have no need for social media. AWPCP is so, so close, but it’s just not quite there.

    Is it likely that you will add this to the existing version in the near future? i.e. < 3-6 months?

    Let me investigate and see what it would take to get us there without BP.

    You’re a legend for even considering it, thanks! I’m quietly confident you’d make a lot of AWPCP WordPress users very happy.


    Have you managed to investigate what would be required yet?



    Hi Halodin,

    Not yet–my developer is wrapping up a custom project for another client and that’s been consuming all of his time this past week. Sorry for the delay on that.


    OK no problem. Could you advise when you expect to have reviewed the situation please?



    Hi Halodin,

    I have a more thorough estimate on this. Contact me and let’s discuss options.


    Thanks, I’ve sent you a message.




    I’ve spoken with the author and they’re planning to include the simplified “Edit Ad” work within the next 3-6 months, however I was invited to accelerate that process by prioritising it as custom development for $400. I’m not a web developer, I’m just just working on a single free-of-charge site and I can’t justify the cost, but I’m desperate for the code change.

    Is anyone prepared to cover half the cost of the development with me?




    had any takers on the 400? im willing to chip in, email me, [email protected]

    I’ve lost contact with healthreview, so at the moment there haven’t been any takers and I’d like at least 1. If anyone needs this please let me know by Friday.



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