I agree! This also applies to recent updates to the Site Editor.
A couple WordPress versions back, editing a page template or template part took only a couple clicks before you could begin editing the blocks. With recent updates, template parts have been moved under the “Patterns” tab in the editor — which makes zero sense, and requires extra digging and clicks. Additionally, extra clicks are now required to begin editing templates and parts. It’s taking double the amount of clicks to achieve a task that could have been achieved in half the clicks a few versions back. This is not the right direction!
As a WordPress designer and developer for over 15 years, and as a provider of customer support for the products I build, I can’t express how maddening it is to provide instructions to our customers for editing their template, only to have those instructions be entirely obsolete a few weeks later when another update to the editor is dropped. Pick a lane.
I keep thinking, “They got this! They’ll flush out these issues and improve the WordPress experience.” And I keep getting proved wrong.
Keep it simple. Less is more. Make it intuitive. These design mantras seem to have escaped much of the Gutenberg development process. We are 5+ years into Gutenberg, and it still seems like a beta version.
I understand that software must evolve. Sometimes you must break things to fix them. But it feels like a lot of breaking, and not a lot of fixing.
I am not against Gutenberg as a whole. I think it’s a necessary evolution. However, the user experience should be more flushed out and tested before updates are pushed. The changes to the experience are sometimes drastic, requiring users to re-learn the editor after each update. And often, there is no documentation outlining the new changes.
I’ve been a WordPress fan, supporter, contributor, volunteer, WordCamp organizer, WordPress meetup host, and long-time WordPress business owner. It has taken a lot to shake my faith in the platform, but even I’ve got 1 foot out the door.