Hi Michael, Our plugin won’t be suitable for what you are trying to do. We don’t really have any option whereby the search feature of WordPress won’t return any results if the post or page item is protected. The way our plugin’s architecture works is that it doesn’t remove the page or post item from the system. So search will still see the item in the database but the content of that post will be hidden/protected. You will need a customized solution.
Regarding the media file, there are two aspects of this:
1) The attachment page that WordPress will create when you upload the media file via media uploader.
2) The actual static file (example: yourdomain.com/testfile.jpg) that you can access by going directly to that static file’s URL (this doesn’t go via the WordPress system). The above mentioned attachment page will link to this static file.
The 2nd item won’t be handled by our plugin. Different people will handle the storage of static files differently (for example: some people will prefer to put their files on amazon S3). So we don’t have a universal way of handling this at the moment. We usually recommend using a download manager type plugin to handle the static files. A download manager type plugin will have some features and options for hiding/protecting the static files. You can configure the file as a download item and then embed it on a protected post or page so only a member can download it.