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  • Well, considering “today” is relative to where you are on the planet… Most of the developers are in the US, either central or pacific time zones, so you may not see an announcement for several more hours. And nothing is set in stone, as far as I know, so if they determine the product not quite ready, it’s their prerogative.

    Thread Starter mattman


    Thanks ??

    It’s nearly 5pm in Australia so I though everyone in the US should be up and about by now. I’m not good with time though ??

    I did win a bet today. I knew it wouldn’t be posted in ‘2 days’ as stated in the US.

    Moderator James Huff


    I knew it wouldn’t be posted in ‘2 days’ as stated in the US.

    Where did you see that? The official release date has been the 26th since it was reported as such on the 21st.

    As for the release being today (the 26th), we still have 23 hours left from where I’m sitting and 21 hours left from where Matt usually hangs his hat, so please give him some time. And, as miklb said, “Nothing is set in stone, as far as I know, so if they determine the product not quite ready, it’s their prerogative.”

    I think that the scheduled downtime gives a clue, but whether it’s a positive sign or a negative sign — well, that’s yet to be discovered. It’s too early to Slashdot anything.

    now, it is 5PM in china.

    sigh…. siting here in Budapest (10:21am) waiting for the Yanks to wake up! Of course, they’ve probably been coding all night, fell asleep on their keyboards, and will miss the release date. ??

    Heh, we beat everyone here, it’s almost 10:30pm on Boxing Day ?? in New Zealand.

    Moderator James Huff


    Wow, what a supportive community we have. Please, try to show some patience.

    HeHe,New Zealand is a beautiful country.

    macmanx, I’m excited that’s all ?? I’m sure everyone’s not wanting to be rude, they’re just looking forward to their belated Christmas present ??

    Thanks cnbombfans, you should come visit here someday ??

    I will if i can ??

    Moderator James Huff


    The excitement is good. I just don’t want anyone posting here with a complete lack of patience.

    If you’re in any time zone ahead of Matt’s, you may have to wait for the 27th to download WordPress v2.0.

    Remember, you want to give Matt and the other developers enough time to release a fairly stable version of WordPress v2.0.

    “completely bug-free version of WordPress v2.0”

    Sorry macmanx but that made me laugh and cry at the same time ??

    We’ll be around here a lot later !

    And if you are reading this and you have not done so:




    (If it wasn’t, why would I and others be saying this so many times ?)

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