• Hello David,
    I appreciate you SEO experience and knowledge, actually I learned a lot from you.
    These are my practices for optimizing the data my site sends to search engines at the header:

    1. Noindexing the least important pages of the site –

    <?php if($paged --> 1 || is_author() || is_tag() || is_date() || is_search() || is_attachment()){
      echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" />';
    } ?>

    ((why should I let SE to index archive pages, tag pages, author and attachment pages as they are all duplications of the category pages))
    2. For rel=canonical –

    <?php if (is_category()) { ?><link rel="canonical" href="<?php echo get_category_link( get_query_var('cat') ); ?>" /><?php }
    elseif (is_single() || is_page()) { ?><link rel="canonical" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" /><?php }
    else {echo ""; } ?>

    ((canonicalizing the most important pages and leave the rest
    + Rel canonical is like a soft 301, when you put rel-canonical to Home for so many pages it’s like redirecting them to Home – SE might consider it as a RED FLAG!!
    You actually consolidate all the link juice from loads of pages into one page, Home, to make that page stronger. Google algo wouldn’t take it seriously :-))

    Can you tell me what’s wrong with this approach, and why should I need your plugin?


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