• I installed easy relative date plugin on my wp installation and everything is fine. Plug in works ok but has problem tracking seconds…


    If I add a news, then in the date field should appear 1 second ago, 2 seconds ago, etc… instead, the plugin shows something like -2589 second ago, -2128 seconds ago and so…. I tried to hard coding easy_relative_date.php but without success.

    Here is the code of easy_relative_date.php im’ currently using:

    load_plugin_textdomain('erd', PLUGINDIR.'/'.dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/languages');
            function easy_relative_date($timestamp){
                $difference = time() - $timestamp;
                if($difference >= 60*60*24*365){        // if more than a year ago
                    $int = intval($difference / (60*60*24*365));
    				$r = printf(__ngettext("%d anno fa", "%d anni fa", $int, 'erd'), $int);
                } elseif($difference >= 60*60*24*7*5){  // if more than five weeks ago
                    $int = intval($difference / (60*60*24*30));
                    $r = printf(__ngettext("%d mese fa", "%d mesi fa", $int, 'erd'), $int);
                } elseif($difference >= 60*60*24*7){        // if more than a week ago
                    $int = intval($difference / (60*60*24*7));
                    $r = printf(__ngettext("%d settimana fa", "%d settimane fa", $int, 'erd'), $int);
                } elseif($difference >= 60*60*24){      // if more than a day ago
                    $int = intval($difference / (60*60*24));
                  if ($int == 1) {
                    $r = _e("Ieri", 'erd');
                } else {
    				$r = printf(__("%d giorni fa", 'erd'), $int);
                } elseif($difference >= 60*60){         // if more than an hour ago
                    $int = intval($difference / (60*60));
                    $r = printf(__ngettext("%d ora fa", "%d ore fa", $int, 'erd'), $int);
                } elseif($difference >= 60){            // if more than a minute ago
                    $int = intval($difference / (60));
                    $r = printf(__ngettext("%d minuto fa", "%d minuti fa", $int, 'erd'), $int);
                 else                                //count seconds
                    $s = $difference >= 1 ? 's' : '';
    				$r = printf(__ngettext("%d secondo fa", "%d secondi fa", $difference, 'erd'), $difference);

    Any idea how to fix this problem? Thany you!

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