• Resolved kiikiikii



    I’m using Woocommerce and OceanWP and I’m trying to figure out how to change the title “Related Products” to something else. I can’t find a place to do so in the Appearance / Customizer. And I couldn’t find a function for it at OceanWP, only for Related Posts.

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  • Hello,

    1. Install and activate the oceanwp child theme
    2. Create a folder into the child theme with name – ‘woocommerce’
    3. copy the related.php file from the woocommerce plugin folder > templates > single-product folder into the child theme by following the same path. For example
    oceanwp child theme > woocommerce > single-product > related.php file.
    4. Open it using a code editor and edit the ‘Related Product’ text as per your need.

    Thread Starter kiikiikii


    Hey thank you very much, Amit! It worked beautifully.

    I hadn’t even considered editing the Woocommerce templates.

    You’re welcome!

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