• From the brief view I had of the slide, it is awesome! I maintain a site for a network and collective of videographers and your plug-in is just the ticket… if it would only work with WP 3.2.1. We are using Press75.com On Demand 2.3.2 theme and a host of plugins.

    Let me know if you want to rest anything. If you need access to the site. I really want your plugin on our site.

    When I first installed YARPP and then Related Posts Slider 1.3. it worked right out of the box with one problem: the thumbnail in the slide (we use featured images –most start out as 640 x 360 pixel) was distorted, i.e. stretched horizontally.

    As soon as I made ANY CHANGE WHAT-SO-EVER in the settings for Related Posts Slider 1.3, the slider would disappear from all posts. The only way to get it to come back was to deactivate then delete the plugin, then reinstall and activate.

    Then it stopped woking no matter irrespective of during a reinstall. Thee seemed to be a period when it was sort of working where changes to the setting (e.g. number of posts shown at once) would appea for posts that I eas viewing for the first time after installing the plug-in, but not on posts I had already viewed. Afte that, as soon as I touched any setting, the slide would not appear anywhee. And afte that, it just stopped woking even if I did a re-install.

    I hope you can fix it up so we can start using it.


    Cris McConkey

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  • Cris, after a three-month no-comments period from the original author of the post, your best bet might be a hired hand: a WordPress hacker who is willing to dig into the code and do an updated version for you in exchange for a compensation for his/her troubles.

    Plugin Author Internet Techies


    Hi Cris,

    Apology for the late response. If you are still using RPS and having any issue related to that plugin, you can contact me using this page.

    We are working on an upgrade for the plugin and will try to incorporate the related posts fetch functionality within “Related Posts Slider”. Probably the next upgrade will have that functionality. I know the dependency especially on YARP is causing so much concern. Till the next upgrade, it is recommended to use “WordPress Related Posts” plugin on RPS settings panel and install that plugin on WordPress as well.

    The next upgrade is scheduled to release by first week of January, 2012.

    New version 2.0 of Related Posts Slider is released and working fine with latest version of YARPP and WordPress 3.3.1

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