Rejected at login
Hi Woo
I just installed woo and other users keep getting rejected to login. Why?
- Go to My-Account
- Enter an existing user
- Page reverts to the login prompt. No warning or alarm
Any ideas?
Hi @hebhansen ??
- It’s possible another plugin or even your theme is interfering with things. Have you tried troubleshooting/testing for plugin conflicts? See this guide for more information on how to do this.
- Normally, if WooCommerce detects a problem with a login attempt, it will display an appropriate error message. It sounds like that isn’t happening here, so the problem probably isn’t at WooCommerce-level (even if it happens to manifest through the WooCommerce-generated My Account area).
- You noted this happens to ‘other users’. What sort of accounts do these other users have—are they regular customers, or subscribers, or something else? If you create a fresh customer-level account for testing purposes, and test it yourself, do you find it works?
- Take a peek at WooCommerce ? Status ? Logs (and you may also wish to review your server error logs, if you have access to them). Do you notice any entries of interest, perhaps ones that correlate with the dates/times these failed login attempts were made?
Testing a new user registration in safari, and I see this in error log:
[25-Feb-2025 14:58:46 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 14:58:47 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 14:58:48 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 14:59:14 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 14:59:51 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 14:59:52 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 14:59:53 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 14:59:57 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 15:00:48 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 15:00:58 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 15:02:49 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support
[25-Feb-2025 15:02:59 UTC] Adding WooCommerce supportI have declared woo in snippets, however, status report says not declared. Theme is TT5. Am I missing something?
Hi @hebhansen,
I’m a little unsure where that log entry is coming from, but it sounds like you have some custom code or snippets in place. Can you try removing those, temporarily, in addition to disabling other plugins (can you confirm you have performed basic conflict testing, as described in one of the links I shared earlier)?
This is not something we’re seeing widespread reports of, and so I suspect it is related to your custom code or possibly to another plugin.
I have declared woo in snippets
We do not generally support custom development work here, and you’d need to be a little more specific in any case (remember that we cannot see your site or your code, so can really only guess at what you are describing and how it has been implemented).
That said, we may be able to point you in the right direction, or to some support resources (or indeed other community members may be able to pitch in with advice) if we can clarify what you mean … on which note, have you checked out our Community Slack channels? That’s a great spot to share problems and get advice from fellow community members, including those involved with developing for WooCommerce.
Hi again Barry
- New user is Safari browser. Admin is Chrome
- Just for the record, this is a completely new install with only admin as user and one test product set up
After further testing, here is what I see:
- User visits profile icon and lands at my-account. I have altered slug to min-konto (Danish)
- I register email and info is good that email will be sent
- The user is now registered in backend (admin view) and I see user with others under “Users”
- Email arrives (user) and I visit set pass link
- So I set the pass and as I remember I was reverted to login maybe/maybe not with info
- Back at login I enter credentials, stay on page and get this error: ERROR: The username or password you entered is incorrect. Lost your password?
- I can confirm I am using correct pass if reset pass is actually registered.
This user is just a visitor. I guess it is registered as customer user role?
2) Status log. Only error is WooCommerce underst?ttelse: Ikke erkl?ret (Not declared) This is TT5
3) Error log in public-html > error_log keeps posting the error in reply #2. Here is the latest [26-Feb-2025 15:12:57 UTC] Adding WooCommerce support. and this continues endlessly
4) I cleared user cache and tried login again. Now I get this: ERROR: Login failed with status code 503. Please contact the site administrator.
So user is registered, but is not allowed access. Site is, so feel free to try it out
From admin I can see user registers as customer.
This reply was modified 3 days, 3 hours ago by
How can I change the register email from woo?
Note: I have turned captcha off for these tests, so humanness is not the obstruction.
I have turned off snippets, hence, custom code.
I had this code in my functions without the //
// Declare WooCommerce in theme ...
// function mytheme_add_woocommerce_support() {
// error_log('Adding WooCommerce support');
// add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' );
//add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'mytheme_add_woocommerce_support' );I think this is the code generating the error in erro_log, so I assume I cannot declare to TT5 unless there is another approach to this?
I am temporaryly log’ed out by Wordfence, for too many repeated attempts. I will test again in a while to see if that fixed it. I think the 503 error is from Wordfence and the block out.
So wordfence is paused
On login page I try to reset pass:
Get this E-mail til nulstilling af adgangskode er sendt. danish. Email sent.
I go to email and click the reset link. I am asked for email. enter it and then a new mail is sent. So I am looped: reset > mail > link > mail > link > mail > link
And finally I tried to turn off all plugins except WordPress and Woo and I was still not able to login to the Woo My Account page. When I enter login credentials, nothing happens. User dpes exist
Hello hebhansen,
Thank you for your reply.
I appreciate you for taking all these steps and sharing more details with us.
How can I change the register email from woo?
Do you want to change the email registered at
If yes, you can change your email at pageI go to email and click the reset link. I am asked for email. enter it and then a new mail is sent. So I am looped: reset > mail > link > mail > link > mail > link
Did this loop problem also happen during the conflict test (only WooCommerce and default theme enabled)?
When I enter login credentials, nothing happens. User dpes exist
Do you mean that the user exists but when you try to log in nothing happens?
Please share a screenshot of this page.Once I have more information, I will be in a better position to assist you further.
Best regards.
I have turned off woo and see this warning in default wp login. So all browsers request allow cookies, while all cookies are already allowed. Let me pause this for a while and I will give it a go with “Fixing WP” and “Google Site Kit” (The Google login).
@barryhughes-1 and @doublezed2 thx guys. It’s been a great help. This issue barthered me big time, and everyone else.
To whom it may concern: If you find similar pattern as above, you probably did some migration stuff. Turn off woo to eliminate errors and try the default WordPress login. Are you seeing cookies blocked warning, this exorcise may help you.
For me the line in wp-config fixed things and I am so f****in relieved
Again guys. thx for your efforts! Marked as solved
Hi @hebhansen,
Thank you for the clarification! I’m glad to hear you were able to resolve the issue and feel relieved. If you need any further assistance with WooCommerce, feel free to create a new topic.
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