OK, got the ‘Reject’-button right.
Was wondering why it works for you but not for me, and the solution was to toggle between ‘Button’ and ‘Link’ once, saving the settings.
But I have to correct my earlier statement about the [cookie-button]. Sorry for that, a typo. I’m using [cookie_accept] to define the sequence.
Could you try the following?
I’m using [cookie_accept], and it’s not the green I’ve chosen in the settings. Digging into this one, I see that using
[cookie_button] [cookie_link], I have the chosen colors, but in
[cookie_accept] [cookie_link] [cookie_reject], the [cookie_accept] has a different green. Would it be possible to define it’s color, too? Maybe the [cookie_button], because one wouldn’t use both?
Thank you very much for you support!!!
PS: sorry for editing, but the typo’s…
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This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by