• My host recently moved me to a new server and in the move, everything was moved to a different folder in my directory. When I copied it over to the proper place nothing was working. When I try to install WordPress anew, it says that in order to reinstall I need to clear out my database. I don’t want to lose all my old posts, but I have backed it up. I tried following this guide to no avail. When I go to upgrade it says that I’m running an up to date version. Would it work if I uploaded an older version of wordpress?

    My biggest question is, basically, how do I go about reinstalling everything so that I don’t lose my settings and my old content?

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  • As long as you have the exported WordPress xml file (which backs up all your posts, pages, users, tags, etc) and your theme directory, I would put those things aside … and replace everything (ie everything WP) with a fresh package/latest release.

    Get it set up as if it were for the first time, make sure it works, and then import your content / upload your theme.

    Address any issues with the fresh installation before you replace your old stuff to isolate the problems.

    Make sense?

    If he has users, does this also take care of that?

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