• I would like to the option to click one link and have all my plugins reinstalled, similar to the “reinstall wordpress link” in admin. Can you add that? My website got hacked and it going to be painful to find and reinstall the plugins.

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  • This would be an excellent feature to have! However, it is not currently offered by default.

    @staartmees it does not appear to offer the Re-install feature that @paulle22 is referring to!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Why? What purpose does “reinstalling” a plugin serve?

    This isn’t like your personal computer. Installing a plugin just means downloading the files and putting them in the right directories on the website. It’s not doing anything complicated here, and “re-installing” is never really necessary for a plugin, nor will it fix anything.

    As one example, a website gets hacked and you think you have cleaned everything up but in fact some code was injected into a plugins code and you someone who is not a programmer would not know, for that matter even a programmer like myself can sometimes miss code that does not belong in a plugin that I did not write. Re-installing the original plugin code in this case would rule out malicious code in a plugin.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    What about another example? Resolving a hacked installation is not a job for a non-developer.

    Nice Question.
    There are some steps which are mentioned on [Link redacted] and you can follow that.

    *Click the Edit link under the target plugin name.
    *Locate the line declaring version “Version: ****” and make the number smaller. Then click Update button.
    *Go to Update Center, you can see plugin update notice, update it ! That’s it!

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