I logged the user and session vars as well, and all seems to be fine. (Some info redacted). So the conclusion would be to get the server engineers on it? Have you experienced similiar issues with other cloudflare sites?
[05-Mar-2024 08:37:25 UTC] We've successfully logged in the user and set the auth cookies, now we are going to redirect!
[05-Mar-2024 08:37:25 UTC] user: WP_User::__set_state(array(
'data' =>
(object) array(
'ID' => '11',
'user_login' => '███████████',
'user_pass' => '███████████',
'user_nicename' => '███████████',
'user_email' => '███████████@gmail.com',
'user_url' => '',
'user_registered' => '2024-02-22 16:57:04',
'user_activation_key' => '█████████████████████████████████',
'user_status' => '0',
'display_name' => '███████████',
'ID' => 11,
'caps' =>
array (
'customer' => true,
'cap_key' => 'wp_capabilities',
'roles' =>
array (
0 => 'customer',
'allcaps' =>
array (
'read' => true,
'customer' => true,
'filter' => NULL,
'site_id' => 1,
[05-Mar-2024 08:37:25 UTC] session: VippsSession::__set_state(array(
'sessionkey' => '███████████+cznuj3GynxKuffZOrhFTFU5M/███████████',
'contents' =>
array (
'referer' => 'https://w6lreq17ts.wpdns.site/',
'cookie' => 'e0CRhNDXuZY+SK1SotlGTe8gsSMB4w2CxxBd5VSHEGk=',
'application' => 'woocommerce',
'action' => 'login',
'userinfo' =>
array (
'address' =>
array (
'address_type' => 'home',
'country' => 'NO',
'formatted' => '███████████ ███████████
'postal_code' => '█████',
'region' => 'OSLO',
'street_address' => '███████████ ███████████',
'email' => '███████████@gmail.com',
'email_verified' => true,
'family_name' => '███████████',
'given_name' => '███████████',
'name' => '███████████',
'other_addresses' =>
array (
'phone_number' => '███████████',
'sid' => '███████████',
'sub' => '███████████-b5fb-4e48-96a9-███████████',
'destroyed' => false,